
Results 20 comments of Saban

Not opening it will show above error msg what can i do please help me @cassystech

@cassystech The requested URL /Hotel-Management-System-master/admin/login/validate_credentials was not found on this server. this is my error please reply sir this Url type then open LOG in page na is it...

@cassystech not opening sir same error The requested URL /Hotel-Management-System-master/admin/login/validate_credentials was not found on this server.

please tell me the **validate_credentials** code or what because i didn't c in my folder so

I didn't solve still now and i didn't understand please explain @samimi-it and where should i change and md5 is nerw one or old please explain

not too much knowledge but ok, and done md5 in root folder and run the program and after i come in login page , as same error occur again @samimi-it

Back end opened and admin panel not opened

My admin page opening link is localhost/hotelms/index.php/user it's different and why @samimi-it ![sht]( please check my url ![sht2](

Can you send full code with instructions at my email please :[email protected] @samimi-it

yes final done thank thank you very much if any doubt i will ask you please help me @samimi-it