Sarah Volkamer
Sarah Volkamer
I'm not sure if we should eliminate regions that are only constant. I think it may be better to only set those regions to `np.nan` that are constantly zero since...
Somehow the partial sequence length looks very small. But the authors say that they used a subsequence length of 4 hours. But since you have changed the timestamp to minutes,...
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but it doesn't seem as if anything is eliminated.
Alright! My problem is that setting values with zero standard deviation to `np.nan` doesn't work and I can't explain why. I wrote two if-conditions and when I debug, I also...
Thanks for your work and dedication to this project. Although I still think it's strange that this seemingly default and mundane functionality hasn't been implemented in over 4 years whereas...
All right, makes sense, thank you! But then why isn't it allowed to set `contamination=0` if I'm training without any anomalies?
I'm very sorry, but I'm still confused. Would you mind to explain it for me? I thought that contamination is used to define the threshold on the decision function and...
Hey, thank you very much first of all for the answer! > In the case of isolation forests, setting the contamination does not change the forest learned during training at...
Thank you very much, that helped me a lot! :)