@klevron While working on this, I'm finding that it'd be useful to run three.init in the Renderer's `setup` function rather than `mounted`. There are a few questions I haven't solved...
`onAfterInit` is a good thought, I'll try that! I needed access to the scene and camera since trying to do `three.init` in setup was throwing "Missing Scene" and "Missing Camera"...
This is fantastic! I've been very busy lately but will definitely take a look when I get a moment again - thanks for digging into this @klevron !
@oneWaveAdrian The most luck I've had with overriding `OrbitControl` functionality like this is either (a) including a customized version of the [OrbitControls source]( with the extra functionality removed, or by...
That looks like an unintended result - I'll mark this as a bug. Thanks for catching!
@Korijn noted in #24 that this currently isn't possible, so globals will need to be removed before multiple Lunchbox apps can exist side-by-side.
Agreed on scoping to `app`, that definitely makes the most sense to me as well. I haven't looked into how useful it'd be but maybe `provide` and `inject` can help...
@Korijn I went ahead and set up a quick demo of what I'm thinking in this branch, scoping the dpr variable to the app level rather than global. (Really appreciate...
Note that an up-to-date list of globals can be found in the readme on [this branch]( - all going well so far!
No worries at all, thanks! I think I have a good "ensured -> provided" roadmap ready with the renderer as an example - I'll continue down that road and let...