SVF copied to clipboard
The example.bc file could not be found
The $SVF_HOME/ DEBUG + ASSERTS folder was not created after compiling WPA with CLion.
Clion: ====================[ Build | wpa | Debug-set1 ]================================ /usr/bin/cmake --build /home/zhu/SVF/Debug-build --target wpa -- -j 4 [ 32%] Built target Cudd [ 97%] Built target Svf [100%] Built target wpa
Build finished
Terminal: zhu@ubuntu:~/SVF$ . ./ Setting up environment for SVF LLVM_DIR = /home/zhu/SVF/llvm-10.0.0.obj Z3_DIR = /home/zhu/SVF/z3.obj zhu@ubuntu:~/SVF$ . ./ debug Setting up environment for SVF LLVM_DIR = /home/zhu/SVF/llvm-10.0.0.obj Z3_DIR = /home/zhu/SVF/z3.obj zhu@ubuntu:~/SVF$ wpa -ander example.bc no LLVM bc file is found! zhu@ubuntu:~/SVF$ ls CMakeLists.txt doc images index.html LICENSE.TXT npm-debug.log tools Debug-build Dockerfile include lib llvm-10.0.0.obj package.json Release-build stylesheets z3.obj zhu@ubuntu:~/SVF$
Could you please give me some advice to solve this problem?
example.bc is the program which you are going to analyse. SVF accepts code assembly compiled from its source code. There are multiple ways to generate bc file. Furthermore, we have supplied an example in wiki
example.bc is the program which you are going to analyse. SVF accepts code assembly compiled from its source code. There are multiple ways to generate bc file. Furthermore, we have supplied an example in wiki