Results 22 issues of SURAJ

## Description Fixes site breakage when navigating to the organization page. ## Related Issue Fixes #1036 ## Motivation and Context The issue caused the site to break when users navigated...

## Description This feature request aims to address the issue where tutors currently have to manually type out every step when creating lectures, which is time-consuming and tedious. The proposed...

## Description When navigating to the "My Tutorials" page and creating a tutorial, clicking the "Move to Trash" button doesn't behave as expected. This pull request addresses the issue and...

## Description I addressed issue #931 and #1030 by fixing a bug where deleting the second last step from a tutorial and then attempting to delete the last step caused...

## Description This pull request introduces significant enhancements to the text editor in the tutorial page. It includes the addition of various formatting options such as: - Headers - Bold...

## Description This feature PR adds a finish button to the tutorial publishing page. When a user publishes their tutorial, the finish button will be enabled and allow them to...

## Description Fixes #3862 I have replaced the previous bar charts with area charts in the star graphs. I have submitted this as a draft PR. If it works well,...

## Description This PR adds a custom tooltip feature to the NivoScatterPlot component. By integrating a hover card, the tooltip now displays detailed information about contributors when hovering over scatter...

### Suggested solution When opening a contributor's profile from the activity tab in the workspace, a contribution area graph is displayed for the selected repository (listed below the graph). However,...

💡 feature
👀 needs triage

### Describe the bug When navigating to a contributor's profile from the activity tab on the workspace, an area graph displaying the contributor's previous contributions is shown. However, it is...

🐛 bug
👀 needs triage