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Lsm6dsox devide_id_get
Hi , I'm doing an application which includes lsm6dsox .(Stm32cubemx,stm32cube ide, freertos-cmsis rtos-v2) . I did pin config. and try to implement your lsm6ds3_reg.h / .c driver files into my project. (according to the lsm6dsox) When program come in device_id_get funct. it goes into "Hardfault". Can you help me at that point ? how can i solve this ?
int32_t lsm6dsox_device_id_get(lsm6dsox_ctx_t *ctx, uint8_t *buff) { int32_t ret; ret = lsm6dsox_read_reg(ctx, LSM6DSOX_WHO_AM_I, buff, 1); return ret; }
What is *buff . İ mean which data gets or read from LSM6Dsox ?
- i can not understand *buff parameter. I get into lsm6dsox.h . But i couldnt find anything about it ?