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Implement datapar for parallel algorithms

Open hkaiser opened this issue 7 years ago • 2 comments

Here is the list of all parallel algorithms. We plan to enable most (if not all) to support datapar, datapar(task) and variations.

  • [x] adjacent_difference (#5580)
  • [x] inner_product (see #2330)
  • [x] adjacent_find (#5741 )
  • [x] all_of any_of none_of (#5638)
  • [x] copy copy_n (#5428)
  • [ ] copy_if
  • [ ] move
  • [x] count count_if (see #2330)
  • [x] equal mismatch (#5754, #5755)
  • [ ] exclusive_scan inclusive_scan
  • [x] fill fill_n (#5465)
  • [x] find find_end find_first_of find_if find_if_not (#5740)
  • [x] for_each for_each_n (see #2330)
  • [x] generate generate_n (#5594)
  • [ ] is_heap is_heap_until
  • [ ] is_partitioned is_sorted is_sorted_until
  • [ ] lexicographical_compare
  • [ ] max_element min_element minmax_element
  • [ ] partial_sort partial_sort_copy nth_element sort stable_sort
  • [ ] partition partition_copy stable_partition
  • [ ] remove remove_if
  • [ ] remove_copy remove_copy_if
  • [x] reduce
  • [x] replace replace_copy replace_copy_if replace_if
  • [ ] reverse reverse_copy
  • [ ] rotate rotate_copy
  • [ ] search search_n
  • [ ] set_difference set_intersection set_symmetric_difference set_union includes
  • [ ] inplace_merge merge
  • [ ] swap_ranges
  • [x] transform (see #2330)
  • [x] transform_reduce
  • [ ] transform_exclusive_scan transform_inclusive_scan
  • [ ] uninitialized_copy uninitialized_copy_n
  • [ ] uninitialized_fill uninitialized_fill_n
  • [ ] unique unique_copy

hkaiser avatar Sep 15 '16 14:09 hkaiser

Removing the milestone as the individual issues can be scheduled for milestones instead (and it's unlikely that all of them will be done for one milestone).

msimberg avatar Nov 21 '17 09:11 msimberg

This is not done yet - reopening.

hkaiser avatar Nov 08 '21 12:11 hkaiser