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Benchmark comparing various data serialization libraries (thrift, protobuf etc.) for C++

Thrift vs. Protobuf vs. Cap’n Proto vs. Boost.Serialization vs. Msgpack vs. FlatBuffers vs. Cereal vs. Avro vs. HPX vs. MPI vs. YAS serialization/deserialization time test for C++.


This project does not have any external library dependencies. All (boost, thrift etc.) needed libraries are downloaded and built automatically except HPX (set HPX_DIR for latter), but you need enough free disk space to build all components. To build this project you need a compiler that supports C++11 features. Project was tested with GCC-6.2.0 (Ubuntu 14.04-x86_64).

$ git clone https://github.com/thekvs/cpp-serializers.git
$ mkdir /path/to/build-root/
$ cd /path/to/build-root/
$ cmake /path/to/cpp-serializers -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DHPX_DIR=...
$ make


  • Test all serializers, run each serializer 100000 times:
$ ./test 100000
  • Test only protobuf serializer, run it 100000 times:
$ ./test 100000 protobuf
  • Test protobuf and cereal serializers only, run each of them 100000 times:
$ ./test 100000 protobuf cereal


Following results were obtained running 1000000 serialize-deserialize operations 50 times and then averaging results on a typical desktop computer with i5 processor running Ubuntu 14.04-x86_64. Compiler was GCC-6.2.0. Exact versions of libraries used are:

  • thrift 0.9.3
  • protobuf 2.6.0
  • capnproto 5.0.2
  • boost 1.59.0
  • msgpack 1.1.0
  • cereal 1.2.1
  • avro 1.7.7
  • hpx 1.0.0
  • mpi 3.0.3
  • yas master
serializer object's size avg. total time
thrift-binary 17017 21653
thrift-compact 11597 26672
protobuf 12571 19314
capnproto 17768 33 [1]
boost 17470 12046
msgpack 11802 26275
flatbuffers 17632 12381
cereal 17416 10073
avro 12288 29853
hpx 17433 12339
hpx_zero_copy 9433 8140
mpi 13008 7924
yas 17012 4210


Size measured in bytes, time measured in milliseconds.

Graphical representations


