PoGo-UWP copied to clipboard
Error : Ask the developer for a new app package. This package may conflict with a package already installed, or it depends on things not installed here (package dependencies), or is made for a different architecture (0x80073CF3)
No matter how many times i try, i am getting the above error
Ask the developer for a new app package. This package may conflict with a package already installed, or it depends on things not installed here (package dependencies), or is made for a different architecture (0x80073CF3)
is there any additional dependencies i have to install.
Steps i followed: -developer mode -certification install -app installation
System configuration: -Windows 10 PC
Did you download the x86 file or the arm one?
x64 file actually. certificate and package both are x64.
OK, are you on a x64 device?
64 bit system(Note: windows 10 PC not mobile ) .
Hmm, installed a version before?
Nope. do i have to install any?
Try downloading the dependencies
(need to find on google)
oh. thank you!! i am sorry to ask but what kind of dependencies i have to install. at least name some so that i can google. thank you for help though.
Also, just to clarify, you needed to add the cer file to the trusted publishers directory, not auto
yup i did. all i have to do is install dependencies as you said? can you link me through?
i mean dependencies link or at least names?
Maybe u don't need dependencies, try re installing the cer then the appx
did for several times but same result.
I don't know then, the depends should be in the releases page, but check again to see if you have pogo installed, I got to go now anyways, good luck!
Thank You for your time and help. i will keep trying..
Just an update: tried several times with no luck, hope dev fix this
Try using the apps installer program? That worked for me.
Appx* sorry.
where can i find that? thanks
just to make sure: did you have same problem before? if yes, does installing through appx installer eliminated that problem? thanks!!!
There are instructions on the releases page. https://github.com/ST-Apps/PoGo-UWP/releases
You should install the .cer first, then the .appxbundle . Links to both files are also on the release page
Try using https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9nblggh4nns1 next time? The app doesn't work now anyway. You can do an install to see if it works, though.
@HerrForehead @piyushraja I really dont get it. all i have to do is install cer file and appxbundle right? I did that several times may be in hundred times. is there anything to do? Please let me know. thanks for your replies and time.
On Windows 10 Mobile you have to wait about 3 minutes after the launch of the .appxbundle file
Mine is windows pc. Thank you!!!
any update for the above error??
I'd say wait until a new release, and of the problem is still there then we can help you resolve it. Right now the game has been disabled because the API changed, so it doesn't really matter if you get it working now or not. Is there a specific reason you want to get it installed now even though it won't work?
@sjetha the only reason I can see to install it now is if you do it properly once, you can just open the app if and when they fix the API and it will auto-update the next working version.
I've got such error when tried setup own UWP application and I've found this topic. For resolve such error you need run special PowerShell script Add-AppDevPackage.ps1. This scrip generated by VisualStudio when you will prepare appxbundle file. I hope this comment will be interesting other who will got such error. P.S. Previously you need install cert in Trusted Person and check that similar application uninstalled on your computer. For uninstall previous version of UWP application you need open Settings(Win+I)\Apps.