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New PoGo Loading Screen
Closes issues
Closes #1406
- Added new loading Screen instead of the SplashScreen and Busy Dialog
Change details I've added a new Control as loading Screen which is like the original one. You're able to set a custom loading message to the screen.
Other informations
It's the latest Version of the new loading Screen. There is only one Image and message (like the original one)
Here is a Screenshot
Niceeeee -
What about putting a picture (loading screen) under your designed loadingbar
@robipzo What Picture do you mean? The PoGo Icon or another Image?
Another image like the original loadscreen from android @Markusch85
@Markusch85 I'm not sure if we can use the original ones but there were postet some nice picture with a text (like look surround you idk) on github. I cant find them maybe you can
And not the PoGo icon as i said a pokemon picture with a text(look surround you etc).I think you know what i mean
I want a appx haah :D
Hey @Markusch85 could you join forces with @swisszeni ? He is already working on something similar for 2.0 on new repo, but I think it could be even brought into 1.1 You can look on discussion about this here: https://github.com/PoGo-Devs/PoGo/issues/26
@Markusch85 nice work!
@MedaiP90 Thank you. Later I'll try to implement a nice loading Screen a upload a screenshot here.
Hey guys. Here is another Screenshot of a complete new Loading Screen. What do you mean?
Its very nice :)
Wow! Nice job @Markusch85 Markusch85 very good same , only a idea, I saw that the @viniciusbrasil put some images of loading screen also, you could put in form of "slides" while loads. Well, only a ideia, nothing of important :)
@RigleyC Thank you. I've implemented a random logic, which is able to choose an image with the correct description. I haven't found the images from @viniciusbrasil without text. So, I didn't add them. If I'll find these images without text, I'll add them. The case is, that we have to translate the texts.
@Markusch85 So, with " without text" you wanna say "without text of alerts"?
I didn't understand very well. I caught these images, found it the identical color and I removed the text. Was it?
Nice work! Every picture is nice but I think its the best to use the original one.Just to come as close as possible to niantic version :)
@RigleyC That's the right direction. ;) I can not edit images very good. If you can remove the Box, where normally the text is displayed, I can add it to the dialog with the correct translated message
Hey @Markusch85 What do you think? The resolution are good?
Have more one without text
You cant just put a box dialog message overlaping the text
Thank you guys. Here is the next Screen.
@viniciusbrasil I can do it, but it seems like a hack. If we have more clean Images without any text, we are more flexible. Thx for the next image. Are your able to remove the box? Otherwise I have to implement the logic new.
I still have 3 pages, including "Charizard, Snorlax and Jigglypuff". They are the same images that @viniciusbrasil posted, but without the box and text. Do you want?
Yeah that will be great. ;), So I can add them
Here, soon sending the other two, I'm working on removal of the boxes of text.
Thanks. I didn't find a message for Charizard. Do you have it, too?
Yep, "Remeber to be alert at all times. (In other line) Stay aware of your surroundings " Identical to the Gyarados. . .