PoGo-UWP copied to clipboard
- Added Microsoft Band integration
- Added the ability to send notifications of nearby pokemon to the Microsoft Band
- Added a new option to the settings page for Band
Change details:
- Implemented the Band SDK and created a new helper for band stuff
Other informations:
Currently i've only been able to test using the Band 1 but the SDK should work for both perfectly fine. Notification messages only work if the tile has been added to the band which requires a free tile slot (Bands can only hold 13 tiles at a time). The app will tell you if there's no free slots. Even if the tile hasn't been added, the band will still vibrate to tell you that there's a nearby pokemon.
I realise it will be difficult for ST-Apps to test this implementation if he doesn't have a Band so i guess it's up to the rest of us which do have them to test and confirm that this works.
Reopened pull request to fix conflicts. I had merged another branch into this one for testing purposes. I've removed that merge and reopened the PR.
OMG all my dreams come true!!! You are so awesome. Can't wait to test the feature with my band 2. Is it already possible to test the feature if I compile the app by myself? So I could tell u how it works with band2 if needed. Yeah an it would be cool if it is possible to get miles for the eggs just with wearing the band, because when I go running I don't carry my phone with me :). So if I can help testing this feature just tell me.
Yeah if you pull down the msband branch from my fork you should be able to compile it yourself.
As for eggs, that's a great suggestion that would be a really neat feature. Not actually sure how the egg hatching works yet though so i'd need to look into if it's possible.
@ST-Apps please be careful with merging this PR. I've testet VRocker's fork and he helped me to get it work, but I think there's a little more work with Google.Protobufs conflicts.
For now: I didn't get it work. I try again later.
I've created a new branch which fixes the protobufs issue. I didn't think the protobufs would cause an issue with the band as i was experiencing the issue before adding the band SDK.
Either way, could some try this branch? https://github.com/VRocker/PoGo-UWP/tree/msband%2Bprotobuf
Hmm chatfix had the same issue (and i did a while ago too). Funny thing is that i don't even have the google.protobuf.dll file in that directory as i deleted it. The Band SDK doesn't even use protobufs so i don't know why it gets put in there. Could try deleting the band folder and restoring the nuget package?
I've just done a fresh pull of this branch and it compiled fine for me.
Tried your linked branch, but same error:
Error Payload contains two or more files with the same destination path 'Google.Protobuf.dll'. Source files: C:\Users\user.nuget\packages\Google.Protobuf\3.0.0\lib\netstandard1.0\Google.Protobuf.dll C:\Users\user.nuget\packages\Microsoft.Band\1.3.20628\lib\uap10.0\Google.Protobuf.dll
@Chatfix This guy had the exact same error: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/31851012/unable-to-load-dll-sqlite3-in-universal-windows-app-running-on-mobile
@Tweeter1 Yes.
Will this be added in the next update? @VRocker
Does not appear to work on my MS Band 2. It did add the Tile to my band.
Like a dream come true. I will wait until the feature is fully integrated into the PoGo app to really make use of it, but compiled and works fine. Band 1. Can't comment on Band 2. Will try it tomorrow or the day after, when I have access to one.
Fixed a bug that stopped the messages from being shown on the band and also fixed the conflicts.
Pic from my earlier walk: http://imgur.com/4dB29J1
Ok i tried to compile it but still get the same Error as Chatfix and i don't know how to handle the solution of christosk92. Deploying the msband (without proto) branch will show this error .
Fehler CS0433 Der Typ "RepeatedField<T>" ist in "Google.Protobuf, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a7d26565bac4d604" und "Google.Protobuf, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null" vorhanden.
PokemonGo-UWP C:\Users\user\Desktop\PokemonGo\PoGo-UWP-msband\PoGo-UWP-msband\PokemonGo-UWP\Entities\FortDataWrapper.cs
@Maxyeah copy the dll from the google folder over to the msband folder. ..read the post above. I used the proto branch.
Problem is the msband nuget and google folder have the same dll file but the msband dll is older.
I tried this on MS Band 2, it works!! Now lets just get the distance traveled to count towards egg hatching :D
Ok, I was able to deploy it but there were too many error messages and i don't get any notifications on my band 2.
@Maxyeah You need to copy and replace the Google.Protobuf.dll
It looks like that's your issue, you'll need to rebuild and redeploy to get it working properly
Does the current PoGo API support Pokémon Go Plus functionality? I was thinking we could use the band as a substitute for that, and use it to catch Pokémon, and make it vibrate when a Pokemon appears, say what it is, etc.
How can I install it in my band please i want to use like it would be the pokemon go plus I am so excited
I think with pogo coming (partially) to Apple Watch this one needs more attention
Is there a way to get a vibration on my MiBand 1S? On Windows I use the clint Bind Mi Band, that has recently added notification's support with a beta app called Notify Mi Band that works great. So would it be hard to send the same vibration that I feel on the phone, on my Mi Band?