RED-CNN copied to clipboard
Pytorch Implementation of Low-Dose CT with a Residual Encoder-Decoder Convolutional Neural Network (RED-CNN)
File "", line 24 f_name = '{}_{}_{}.npy'.format(patient, pi, io) ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Is there some reason to using [-160, 240] ? thank you.
where is the ?
Can you share the patients' data?The dataset doesn't contain any patients information in the download URL. Thx
Hello, Can you share your RED_CNN_loss file?
Can you please release your environment that what your python, pytorch and other packeges' versions?
AttributeError: module 'torch.nn' has no attribute 'Conv2D'. Did you mean: 'Conv2d'? 有没有人和我一样啊
Hello, I use the code of this project, and the calculated PSNR and SSIM are smaller than the results of other papers. The value of RMSE is large. After denormalize_...
想请教下,看您论文中是一个模拟数据,一个临床数据,其分辨率是不一致的,想请教是分开训练的吗,还是经过什么处理吗?若是一个模型,测试集中对于不同的分辨率结果会异常吗? 感谢