mTwitch copied to clipboard
ban/timeout reason and duration
I need feedback on how this should be implemented, use cases, etc.
This is what I have been using. Just my personal preference on the look.
on $*:PARSELINE:in:/^@msg-id=timeout_success :\S+ NOTICE #\S+ :\S+ has been timed out for \d+ seconds\.$/i: {
.parseline -it
on $*:PARSELINE:in:/^(?:@ban-duration=(\d+);)?@?ban-reason=(\S+)? :\S+ CLEARCHAT (#\S+) :(\S+)$/iF: {
var %dur $regml(1), %reason $replace($regml(2), $chr(92) $+ s, $chr(32)), %chan $regml(3), %nick $twitchname($regml(4),%chan)
if (%reason && %dur) { echo $color(info text) %chan $+([,$asctime($ctime,h:nn TT),]) %nick has been timed out for %dur seconds. Reason: %reason }
elseif (%reason && !%dur) { echo $color(info text) %chan $+([,$asctime($ctime,h:nn TT),]) %nick has been permanently banned. Reason: %reason }
elseif (%dur && !%reason) { echo $color(info text) %chan $+([,$asctime($ctime,h:nn TT),]) %nick has been timed out for %dur seconds. }
elseif (!%reason && !%dur) { echo $color(info text) %chan $+([,$asctime($ctime,h:nn TT),]) %nick has been permanently banned. }
.parseline -it
For implementation I'd prefer I use something IRC-RFC related. That way scripts can make use of built in events to handle such