sparql.anything copied to clipboard
Validating CSV column names
I am querying a CSV and misspelt a column name. SPARQL anything will not throw a warning or error about it.
E.g CSV columns' names: types, entity
Example of query:
SERVICE x-sparql-anything: { BIND ( CONCAT ( "../path/", ?_fileId , ".csv" ) AS ?location ) . fx:properties fx:location ?location ; fx:csv.headers "true" . [] xyz:types ?typ ; xyz:entty ?ent . ...
ERROR misspeld name xyz:entty
SPARQL Anything does not throw any error using the sparql-anything-0.8.1 version
Normally, RDF graphs are schema-less, so the query engine does not make any assumption on existing, non-existing, or constrained properties, classes, or data types. However, this is not true for FX graphs (generated applying Facade-X to non-RDF resources). Maybe it is worth considering raising warnings if there are schema elements mentioned that do not exist in the original source.