Zach Sosana
Zach Sosana
Well done @magalhas 1+ for this project
anyone feel like updating the express.js files? I might take a stab at it just for fun or heck say screw this stack and build it on mean.js stack
@StephenGrider @wsfuller @vdanylov where you guys able to solve this issue? I am running into a similar issue as well. I thought it might have to do with being...
This has to do with I tested on axios.window and it works perfect. I been tearing out my hair last few days trying to figure out why, now I...
@eponymz I found out my problem. For one in my formFields.js I set the values to emails instead of recipients, and in my email validations I was returning `` return...
@ChloeKim still having problems? Check out my repo if you need to look at another working example from Stephan's work shop. I'm on lecture 30, you should also be...
@nelsonic awesome analogy +1