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S2S_user with read permission can click on the pencil-button to see more details
Feature Description
Sormas2Sormas gives the possibility that you can share a case/contact without hand over the ownership. So the user from target system can read/ view the entries, but can not edit them. Sormas2Sormas gives also the possibility to share a case/contact with hand over the ownership. So the user from source system can read/ view the entries, but can not edit them. In the following this is described as "read permission". In Sormas you also often have the possibility to click on a "pencil-button". If you click this button a pop-up windows opens and you can see more details. In the future it should be possible for a user with read permission to click on the "pencil-button" to see more details.
Problem Description
Currently it is not possible for a user, who only have read permission, to click on the "pencil-button" and see more details described in the pop-up-window. This means that a lot of information cannot be retrieved and is therefore lost.
Proposed Change
A user with read permission can see more details by clicking on the "pencil-button". On the following places, the "pencil-button" should be possible to click: please notice that it should NOT be possible to edit for example new vaccinations with read permission, only the 'pencil button' should be clickable, so the entries can be opened and seen
In a case: tab case on the right side: 1.0 pencil button under +new task 1.1 pencil button under +new sample 1.2 pencil button under +link event 1.3 pencil button under +new vaccination 1.4 pencil button under +new travel entry 1.5 pencil button under +new report 1.6 create button should be clickable and it should be possible to create a document
tab case person: 1.7 pencil button under Addresses 1.8 pencil button under Person contact details
tab hospitalization: 1.9 pencil button under Previous Hospitalization
tab epidemiological data 1.10 pencil button under Exposure Investigation 1.11 pencil button under Activity as Case 1.12 pencil button under + new contact 1.13 pencil button under + new travel entry
tab therapy 1.14 pencil button under Prescriptions 1.15 pencil button under Executed treatments
tab follow-up 1.16 pencil button under +new visit
tab clinical course 1.17 pencil button under clinical assessments/ new clinical assessments
sample 2.1 pencil button under +new test result (pathogen tests) 2.2 pencil button under +new test result (additional tests)
contact tab contact on the right side: 3.0 pencil button under +new task (special: yet made tasks should still be editable) 3.1 pencil button under +new sample 3.2 pencil button under +link event 3.3 pencil button under +new vaccination 3.4 pencil button under +new travel entry 3.5 pencil button under +new report 3.6 create button should be clickable and it should be possible to create a document
tab contact person: 3.7 pencil button under Addresses 3.8 pencil button under Person contact details
tab epidemiological data 3.9 pencil button under Exposure Investigation
tab follow-up visits 3.10 pencil button under +new visit
Possible Alternatives
Additional Information