brainfuck-cpu copied to clipboard
A Logisim schematic for a CPU that implements the Brainfuck language.
This repo contains a Logisim schematic file for a programmable circuit implementing a 24-bit-datapath 24-bit-mempath Brainfuck computer.
- main: contains everything that functions as a "complete" "computer", including:
- 1 24-bit ROM: contains 4-bit units of data. In each unit, bits 2:0 are encoded as BFC instructions. See the encoding specification below. Bit 3 is the special "shutdown" signal that hangs the clock.
- 1 24-bit RAM: contains 8-bit units of data, serving as the memory byte array for the Brainfuck environment.
- 1 main clock: the clock that regulates the synchronization of the whole system. This implementation should be synchronous
- 1 stdin ROM: a counter+ROM complex providing the stdin pipe for the Brainfuck environment. It reads bytes from its ROM backend, incrementing the address when the CPU signals that a byte has been read.
- 1 stdout RAM: a counter+RAM complex providing the stdout pipe for the Brainfuck environment. It appends bytes to its RAM backend.
- 1 CPU: the instruction processor
- brainfuck/cpu:
- Inputs:
- clk (boolean): for synchronization with the main clock
- instr (instr_size): current instruction to execute
- instr_ptr (datapath_size): the pointer to the current instruction
- mem (cell_size): the value of the current memory cell
- mem_ptr (mempath_size): the pointer to the current memory cell
- stdin (cell_size): the stdin value to read, if needed
- Outputs:
- instr_ptr (datapath_size): the pointer to the next instruction
- mem_ptr (mempath_size): the pointer to the next memory cell
- writing_mem (boolean): a boolean indicating whether the current memory cell should be updated to set_mem (according to the Brainfuck language, an instruction that updates a memory cell would not update the memory pointer, so it is not necessary to distinguish it as the cell before or the cell after the instruction)
- set_mem (cell_size): the value to be set into memory if writing_mem is 1
- stdout_ready (boolean): a boolean indicating whether the "stdout" output should be appended to the stdout pipe
- stdout (cell_size): the value to be appended to the stdout pipe if stdout_ready is 1
- stdin_read (boolean): a boolean indicating whether a new cell should be pulled from the stdin pipe, i.e. the current one has been consumed
- Internal registers:
- a 6-bit counter used for finding the matching
is executed with memory 0 (i.e. a while loop has broken) - a Register24Stack64 subcircuit for storing pointers to previous
- a 6-bit counter used for finding the matching
- Inputs:
- Register24Stack64:
- Uses a 6-bit-mempath 24-bit-cell RAM
- Implements a first-in-last-out "stack" data structure for 24-bit data cells
- Has 3 valid input combinations:
~push & ~pop
: PEEK action, not modifying the RAM. Outputs the tail entry (last-inserted entry) in the stack. -
push & ~pop
: PUSH action, appending insert_data to the stack. Output is undefined. -
~push & pop
: POP action, removing the last-inserted entry from the stack. Output is undefined.
- Needs formal proof to determine if brainfuck/cpu might experience bugs due to a PUSH/POP action not being able to output the tail value in the same tick. If issues exist, may need doueble-ticking.
BFC 3-bit encoding
BFC means "Brainfuck compiled". It is a simple mapping of Brainfuck instructions into 3-bit units. The following bitsets correspond to symbolic instructions in the Brainfuck language:
Bitset (2:0) | Symbol | Synopsis |
000 |
> |
Increments the memory pointer |
001 |
< |
Decrements the memory pointer |
010 |
+ |
Increments the memory value |
011 |
- |
Decrements the memory value |
100 |
. |
Sends the current memory value to stdout |
101 |
, |
Consumes the current stdin value and stores it in the current memory value |
110 |
[ |
If current memory value is 0, skips to the matching ] behind, which is not necessarily the immediately following one |
111 |
] |
If current memory value is not 0, jumps back to the matching [ before |
Memory allocation
- boolean: 1 bit
- instr_size: 3 bits
- datapath_size: 24 bits
- mempath_size: 24 bits
- cell_size: 8 bits
The whole circuit is currently synchronous with the same main clock. However, constraints in stdin and Register24Stack64 may require double-ticking. Formal proof is required to confirm.
This implementation defines that all memory cells start at 0.
The bfc
bfc.cpp is a standalone C++ file that can be compiled to build Brainfuck programs.
Accepting the argument FILE_BASENAME, bfc will parse the {FILE_BASENAME}.bf file
Then it will emit the following files:
- {FILE_BASENAME} The syntactically minified Brainfuck program code, i.e. only instruction bytes are left.
- {FILE_BASENAME}.bfc: The Brainfuck code is compiled into binary form, equivalent what is loaded inside the instruction ROM. The higher 4 bits (7:4) are unused. Bit 3 is the shutdown bit. The lower 3 bits (2:0) are BFC-encoded instructions.
- {FILE_BASENAME}.bfc.txt: The BFC file converted into plaintext, compatible with Logisim ROM imports.