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Simple Learning Management System developed with Flask.
Learning Management System
This project was developed with flask as the Database and Internet Engineering final project, because of the limited time and the purpose of this project which was to work with databases in a website, I did not consider some security features which should be considered in the production phase.
For running this on your computer first make sure you have python3.6
or later
, then install virtualenv
pip install virtualenv
Create a virtual environment in main directory of the project (same folder as
this file) preferably with a name like venv
, env
, .venv
or .env
file can ignore it without any modification, I assumed you're
gonna use .venv
virtualenv .venv
Activate your virtual environment:
source .venv/bin/activate
Or if you're still using windows:
Then install all of the project's dependencies without affecting anything on your computer.
pip install -r requirements.txt
You should set 2 environment variable, FLASK_APP
in GNU/Linux or macOS:
export FLASK_APP=main.py
export FLASK_DEBUG=1
In windows:
set FLASK_APP=main.py
is the name of the flask app file, and FLASK_DEBUG
should be 0 or
1, if it's 1 we have access to hot reload and some more features in development
In the app directory copy local_settings.py.sample
to local_settings.py
provide required variables for connecting to the database, keep in mind that
for security reasons this file is ignored by .gitignore
In the app directory run the server with this command:
flask run