NXLog-AutoConfig icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
NXLog-AutoConfig copied to clipboard


This script is based on Justin Henderson's NXLog-AutoConfig repo.

With no customisation, the script will install Sysmon with the SwiftOnSecurity config, generate a NXLog config to start pulling the Sysmon and Windows Security events.

If the script detects certain processes/services running, it will run additional modules to extend the NXLog config (currently IIS Web logs, Windows DNS and Windows DHCP).


  1. Clone the repo into the root of a web server that can be contacted by the endpoints you want to enroll into monitoring.
git clone https://github.com/svch0stz/NXLog-AutoConfig
  1. Customise the variables in the headers of nxlog_master.ps1:
Param (
  [string]$Version = "1.0",
  [string]$WebHost = "webhost.domain.com", # << REPLACE HERE
  [string]$MSILocation = "http://$WebHost/NXLog-AutoConfig/nxlog.msi",
  [string]$script:webFileLocation = "http://$WebHost/NXLog-AutoConfig",
  [string]$script:logcollector = "logger.domain.com", # << REPLACE HERE
  [string]$script:scriptPath = "C:\Temp\nxlog"
  1. Download the required binaries using:
cd NXLog-AutoConfig

Or manually download the following into the directories displayed below:

  • autorunsc.exe (Autoruns CLI 32bit: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/autoruns)
  • autorunsc64.exe (Autoruns CLI 64bit: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/autoruns)
  • sha1deep.exe (SHA1Deep 32bit: https://github.com/jessek/hashdeep)
  • sha1deep64.exe (SHA1Deep 64bit: https://github.com/jessek/hashdeep)
  • sysmon.exe (Sysmon 32bit: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/sysmon)
  • sysmon64.exe (Sysmon 64bit: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/sysmon)
  • sysmon.xml (Swift on Security Sysmon Config: https://github.com/SwiftOnSecurity/sysmon-config)
  • nxlog.msi (NXLog Community Edition: https://nxlog.co/products/nxlog-community-edition/download)
  • iis7psprov_x86.msi (IIS powershell Snap-in 32bit)
  • iis7psprov_x64.msi (IIS powershell Snap-in 64bit)

Target Folder Structure Setup

│   download_binaries.ps1
│   nxlog.msi
│   nxlog_master.ps1
│   README.md
│       autorunsc.exe
│       autorunsc64.exe
│       bin.txt
│       iis7psprov_x64.msi
│       iis7psprov_x86.msi
│       sha1deep.exe
│       sha1deep64.exe
│       sysmon.exe
│       sysmon.xml
│       sysmon64.exe

Start Enrolling

Run the following on the target host in PowerShell to start sending logs:

IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('http://webserver.domain.com/NXLog-AutoConfig/nxlog_master.ps1');

Notes and Tips

  • If you run the script as part of a GPO or scheduled task, it will update the sysmon config and run Autorunsc again.

  • To not run certain modules (eg Autoruns), remove the entry in modules/modules.txt file.

  • If you update a module, you will need to run sha1deep and update the hashfile list - bin.txt for the contents of binaries/ and modules.txt for the contents of modules/.

  • To uninstall Nxlog MsiExec.exe /X{95710AD9-183D-40D9-A69F-B69C8BA13022} REMOVE_ALL_FILES=True /qn

  • To uninstall Sysmon sysmon64.exe -u


  • ~~Create auto download script for required executables~~
  • Set Windows auditing policies before sending Windows events
  • Work on other modules
  • Update hash files automatically (bin.txt and modules.txt)