r3det-on-mmdetection copied to clipboard
R3det is not in the detector registry
Failed to train on R3Det* mmdetection version based on PyTorch. I got an import error when running sh rtools/train.sh
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tools/train.py", line 161, in
Besides, I install mmdetection from https://github.com/open-mmlab/mmdetection, because your setup.py installation failed in my device and I found the reason that mmdetection 2.2.1 is needed. So I guess my problem may caused by not using your setup.py?
My environment is : Pytorch: 1.4.0 Python: 3.6.10 CUDA: 10.0 GCC: 7.3.0
And if I use your setup.py, it shows as : gcc: error: mmdet/ops/nms/src/rnms_ext.cpp: No such file or directory
you can try to solve this by installing mmcv0.5.9
u should run setup.py, not just mmdet
您好 我也是这个问题 但是我是run的setup.py 也没有报错 我猜测会不会是显卡的问题?作者使用的是20系显卡和10的cuda 我的环境是30系显卡和11的cuda。那应该怎么解决?