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📑 Add debounce logic for any method in a single line.




Extensions to filter out repeated function calls caused by false or accidental clicks or touches.

  • One-line integration
  • Inlined, no method wrapping
  • Shareable between multiple platforms
  • Automated testing friendly


Add NuGet package to your .NET Standard 2.0 - compatible project

PM> Install-Package DebounceMonitoring


using DebounceMonitoring;

Debounce instance methods:

internal class ViewModel
    public void OnButtonClick()
        if (this.DebounceHere()) return;

        // Handle the click

snippet source

Debounce lambdas and local functions:

public Command ClickCommand { get; }

public ViewModel()
    ClickCommand = new Command(() =>
        if (this.DebounceHere()) return;

        // Handle the click

snippet source

Debounce static methods:

internal class Analytics
    public static void TrackEvent()
        if (DebounceMonitor.DebounceHereStatic<Analytics>()) return;

        // Send the event

snippet source

Rx Operator

This library also provides the simplest implementation of the debounce operator for Rx.NET (throttle in RxJs).


    .Subscribe(_ => OnButtonClick());

snippet source


The default debounce interval is 500 ms.
It can be specified as an argument:

this.DebounceHere(intervalMs: 1_000)

IObservable<T>.Debounce(intervalMs: 1_000)

or set globally:

DebounceMonitor.DefaultInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5);

Disable (for automated testing)

The DebounceMonitor can be disabled in your base TestFixture.Setup or globally in ModuleInitializer with ModuleInitializerAttribute or Fody.ModuleInit.

internal static class UnitTestGlobalSetup
    internal static void SetupDebounceMonitor() => DebounceMonitor.Disabled = true;

snippet source

How does it work?

When this.DebounceHere is called, the call time is mapped to its location (method name + line number) and target (this in this case).

On the next call, the time is compared to the stored one. If the interval has not yet passed, then the call is meant to be debounced.

The debounce target (reference) is held weakly, so no memory leaks are caused.


This project is licensed under the MIT license - see the LICENSE file for details.