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Dear ImGui backend for use with SFML

Results 31 imgui-sfml issues
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Right now sprite scale/rotation, etc. are ignored when drawing with `ImGui::Image`. However, this can be fixed by following this: (Will need to compute where vertices of sf::Sprite are using...

help wanted

Right now, there's a bit of inconsistency in naming. The repo is named "imgui-sfml", the files are "imgui-SFML.h" and "imgui-SFML.cpp", the CMake target is "ImGui-SFML" Plus, the repo doesn't follow...

feedback wanted

So, currently we have this: `ImGui::SFML::Render(target)` which calls `ImGui::Render` internally, while in other ImGui binding examples it should be more like this: ```cpp ImGui::Render(); // prepare render data ImGui::SFML::Render(target); ```...

feedback wanted

```cpp #include #include #include #define SCREEN_WIDTH 1000 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(1000, 550), "Trajectory Simulator"); ImGui::SFML::Init(window); sf::Clock deltaClock; sf::Font headingFont; headingFont.loadFromFile("assets/font/font.ttf"); sf::Text heading("Trajectory Simulator", headingFont); heading.setCharacterSize(50); heading.setStyle(sf::Text::Regular);...

Fixes #212, #206, #88 Now the user has to not call Update/ProcessEvent on lost focus manually. Might break some things (e.g. trigger some asserts if the user didn't call NewFrame/Render...

A first step towards improved documentation should come in the form of writing Doxygen headers above all public functions. This will get readers more information on what each function does....


```cpp //#include // //int main() //{ // sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(sf::Vector2u{200,200}), "SFML works!"); // sf::CircleShape shape(100.f); // shape.setFillColor(sf::Color::Green); // // while (window.isOpen()) // { // sf::Event event; // while (window.pollEvent(event)) // {...

When I run the following code, [code here]( , I can't seem to get it working and it produces this error, ---- "An internal OpenGL call failed in RenderTarget.cpp(504). Expression:...

I am trying to use sfml with imgui (and drawing using opengl) and having problems with states. Here's very minimal example: ``` #include #include #include "imgui.h" #include "imgui-SFML.h" #include "ShaderProgram.h"...

According to ImGui API ` ImGui::IsMouseDoubleClicked(...)` call should return _true_ if a mouse was double-clicked. In practice, it always returns _false_. Only SFML method `sf::Mouse::isMouseButtonPressed(...)`, which scans for **single clicks,**...