opened this issue 2 years ago
Specify what directory to run CMake commands from
I never mentioned that you have to run those CMake commands from the same directory as the repo. It's fair to assume someone may assume you can run those from anywhere.
Explicitly mention that users must clone the repo they made
This is never explicitly mentioned and I can understand why someone new to GitHub may think they just need to copy a few files to their computer.
I think it's a valid point to explain where to run the commands from. Might also be mitigated by using the -S <source> flag.
For the clone repo, I feel like this is the kind of knowledge we should expect and don't need to cover here, as it's rather unrelated. Like we don't need to explain how to install your OS or dev tools 😉
The README is already explicit about -S . in the build instruction.
feel like this is the kind of knowledge we should expect and don't need to cover here,
Me too but a recent user failed to pick up on that implication so I'm second-guessing my assumptions about what should be implied and what should be specified.
It lists -S . but doesn't explain it. That's what I meant. The execution location of these commands is irrelevant when you use -S <source dir>.
Sometimes less is more. Overfilling the readme with all the details on everything, will generally make it harder to find the actual relevant information. We want to help people get started with SFML and CMake. We can try and explain the connection and usages between the two, but should really go much further from there. Not everything can or should be solved with a template.
Also don't think they need to download anything really. People can just copy the CMakeLists.txt, follow the instructions of replacing the source file and it should work.
Good point about not over-filling the README which I maybe have already done.
I'll think on this more as I hopefully get more feedback from people using this template. I'll keep updating this if I hear of more pain points from users.