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Enable filtering of columns that appear in both inventory types
For example, the "Address Line 1" column for Properties can't be filtered in the Property version of Inventory List.
Issue #3426 is also about cross Inventory Filtering / Sorting.
instance: staging SHA: bb2fdd425 Org: LBNL Test 200
Was able to filter on an Tax Lot field in the Property List tab.
However, when I tried to add a label to those filtered records, I got several 500 errors
the filter worked using text, ie, filtering on Parcel Owner == Lucky University
However, it didn't seem to work when I filtered on the Jurisdiction Tax Lot ID for the case where there were multiple tax lot IDs associated with a record
But it doesn't seem to work even if there is only one Tax Lot ID associated with a record
But it did work filtering with a number on the address field shoulf fix that. Thanks for the find.
Instance: Dev1 SHA: 294626cbd Org: LBNL Test 200
Cycle: 2020 Compliance Cycle
Filtering for blank or not blank values in a Tax Lot field -- Does not work
In this example, there are 14 records in the cycle.
2 of them do not have a value in the Jurisdiction Tax Lot ID column
If I filter for the records with the Tax Lot field blank, ie, enter "" in the filter field, no records are returned. But the two records with that field blank should be returned
This same style of filter, ie, "" to show blanks, works for Property fields
Cycle: 2018 Compliance Cycle
Here is another case, that is equally broken but somehow in a different way
Total number of records == 19
Address Line 1 (Tax Lot) field
Using the Legacy Property List
using "" as the filter for blank records == 7 records that have this field blank
using !"" as the filter for not blank records == 12 records where that field is not blank
Using the New Property List
using "" as the filter for blank records == 1 record, but that field isn't actually blank for that record
using !"" as the filter for not blank records == 17 records where that field is not blank, except it should be 12. There appear to be duplicates of some of the records, and if you de-duplicate them, I believe you are left with 12 records.
Instance: Dev1 SHA: Org: LBNL Test 200 Cycle: 2018 Compliance Cycle
Can't filter on ; in Tax Lot field in Property Tab
in the Legacy Property List, if you filter on ; for Jurisdiction Tax Lot ID, it returns the 5 records that have a semicolon
In the new Property List, doing that same filter results in 0 records
Filtering on Tax Lot columns that appear in the Property Tab still needs a lot of work.
I am putting this back in the "In Progress" column, as it is not completely fixed.
Filtering on "" was broken for all columns. Reported here. Fixed here. Not yet released. Moving this to "Ready to deploy"
@haneslinger -- great, thanks !!
@haneslinger -- what about filtering on semicolon, ;
That also seems broken
and possibly other punctuation?
Instance: dev1 SHA: 26aac34d8 Org: LBNL Test 200 Cycle: 2018 Compliance
@anchapin -- should I put filtering in specific instances that aren't working in a separate issue?
For example, here is a field from Tax Lot, in the Property List view
There are 7 records without a value in that field
If I filter using "" to see the blank records, the program returns one record that is not blank instead of 7 records that are blank.
I was trying to recreate locally.
At first I was able to recreate. After some investigation I realized it wasn't working because there was no PropertyTaxLot
s linking the properties and taxlots - which is crucial to this functionality. I was shocked because I didn't realize you could have related properties and taxlots without ProperyTaxLot
I cleared the db and tried to figure out how I got it in that state to begin with, but I couldn't manage to import related properties and taxlots with the codebase also creating PropertyTaxlot
s, and consequently, the bug disappearing.
@nllong - Can properties somehow have a taxlot column without a related PropertyTaxlot
or taxlot? Do we have any reason to believethis orgs property/taxlot/PropertyTaxlot relationships are atypical?
Instance: staging SHA: 666c8f302 Org: LBNL Test 200 Cycle: 2018 Compliance Cycle
- Property tab:
- WORKS: Can filter on a tax lot field, ie, Address, and then add labels to those records without errors
- WORKS Can filter on Jurisdiction Tax Lot for a value that has multiple instances within a record without errors
- DOES NOT WORK: Filtering on Jurisdiction Tax Lot ID for "" (blank) or !"" (not blank) fields DOES NOT WORK -- will make a new issue
- WORKS: Filtering on PM Property ID (property field) for for "" (blank) or !"" (not blank) fields does work
- DOES NOT WORK: Filtering on ; (semicolon) in Jurisdiction Tax Lot ID (to see records with multiple tax lots) returns no records, when it should return 3
- DOES NOT WORK: Filtering on Tax Lot field Parcel Owner Telephone for "" results in 0 records instead of 4
@nllong / @anchapin / @haneslinger -- should I make a new issue for the things that aren't working, which is mostly filtering for blank / not blank and semicolon issues on Tax Lot fields on the Property tab (and presumably also Property fields on the Tax Lot tab)
Instance: dev1 SHA: 8dc72bf0e Org: LBNL Test 200
Property tab:
- Can filter on a tax lot field, ie, Address, and then add labels to those records without errors
- Can filter on Jurisdiction Tax Lot for a value that has multiple instances within a record without errors
- Filtering on Jurisdiction Tax Lot ID (and other Tax Lot fields) for !"" shows not blank records
- Filtering on PM Property ID (property field) for for "" (blank) or !"" (not blank) fields does work
- Filtering on Jurisdiction Tax Lot ID (and other Tax Lot fields) for "" (blank) -- it shows no records
- Can't sort Tax Lot fields
- Filtering on ; (semicolon) in Jurisdiction Tax Lot ID (to see records with multiple tax lots) returns no records, when it should return 3
- This is useful so that you can see all the records that have more than one Tax Lot associated with a property
Tax Lot tab
- Can filter on a tax lot field, ie, Address, and then add labels to those records without errors
- Can filter on Jurisdiction Tax Lot with correct results
- Can sort on tax lot fields such as Jurisdication Tax Lot ID
- Filtering on Jurisdiction Tax Lot ID for "" (blank) or !"" (not blank) fields
- Sort on Property Fields
- Filtering on ; (semicolon) in PM Property ID (to see records with multiple tax lots) returns no records, when it should
- This is useful so that you can see all the records that have more than one property associated with a tax lot
@isalanglois / @nllong -- should I make a new issues for 2023 with the things that still aren't working for this feature, add it to the Q3 project, then close this one (and I could reference it from the new one)?
I have moved the "DOES NOT WORK" issues from the end of this issue into a new issue for the Q3 project #3986