SCIRun copied to clipboard
Modules to be converted: Entire list
- Trello Board: Beta Planning
- List: Module Backlog
- [ ] WriteNrrd
- [x] ShowAndEditDipoles
- [x] ShowMeshBoundingBox
- [ ] SCIRun4Network
- [ ] Get/SetFieldElements
- [x] GetMeshQualityField
- List: Modules Next Up
- [ ] EvaluateLinearAlgebraGeneral
- [ ] ExtractIsosurfaceByFunction
- [x] ReportScalarFieldStats
- List: Modules in Progress
- [x] CreateStandardColorMaps
- [x] Alpha
- [x] More colormaps
- [x] ViewScene
- [ ] Long list
- [x] ShowString
- [x] ShowFieldGlyphs
- [x] WriteField
- [x] More file types
- [ ] WriteMatrix
- [ ] More file types
- [ ] ReadField
- [ ] More file types
- [ ] ReadMatrix
- [ ] More file types
- [x] SolveLinearSystem
- [ ] Convergence graph
- [x] EditMeshBoundingBox
- [ ] Better widget control
- [x] ShowField
- [x] CreateStandardColorMaps
- List: Module Backlog
- Trello Board: SCIRun Modules For Later
- List: Beta.2 modules
- [ ] ShowTextureSlices
- [ ] ViewLeadSignals
- [ ] SynchronizeGeometry
- [ ] CalculateFieldDataMetric
- [ ] CalculateMeshNodes
- [ ] SetFieldProperty
- [ ] SetFieldOrMeshStringProperty
- [ ] CollectFields
- [x] CreateImage
- [ ] GetActivationTimes
- [ ] ConvertFieldsToTexture
- [ ] SplitFileName
- [ ] ViewSlices
- List: Non-beta
- [ ] ShowMatrix
- [ ] GetCentroidsFromMesh
- [ ] ConvertMeshToUnstructuredMesh
- [ ] ReadHDF5File
- [ ] ConvertHexVolToTetVol
- [ ] UnuQuantize
- [ ] SplitFieldIntoNrrdData
- [ ] InterfaceWithMatlabViaBundles
- List: Bundles
- [ ] CreateParameterBundle
- [ ] Insert*IntoBundle
- [ ] JoinBundles
- [ ] ConvertBundleToField
- List: DataArray
- [ ] Unsupported.
- List: Other non-GUI
- [ ] CalculateMeshConnector
- [ ] ClipFieldByMesh
- [ ] BuildElemLeadField
- [ ] ShowLinePath
- [ ] ConvertFieldDataFromIndicesToTensors
- [ ] ConvertFieldDataFromTensorsToIndices
- [ ] SmoothVecFieldMedian
- [ ] BuildBEMSrcToInfTransferMatrix
- [ ] RemoveUnusedNodes
- [x] CalculateCurrentDensity
- [ ] InsertElectrodes
- [ ] SplitNodesByDomain
- [ ] BuildFEGridMapping
- [ ] MergeTriSurfs
- [ ] MatchDomainLabels
- [ ] BuildFESurfRHS
- [ ] ReorderMatrixByCuthillMckee
- [ ] RemoveZeroRowsAndColumns
- [ ] ReorderMatrixByReverseCuthillMckee
- [ ] ShowPointPath
- [ ] ConvertMappingMatrixToMaskVector
- [ ] MaskLatVolWithTriSurf
- [ ] ConvertMaskVectorToMappingMatrix
- [ ] BuildFEGridMappingByDomain
- [ ] GetAllSegmentationBoundaries
- [ ] GetDomainStructure
- List: Other Easy GUI
- [ ] ConvertMatrixToField
- [ ] ApplyFilterToFieldData
- [x] CalculateInsideWhichField
- [ ] CalculateIsInsideField
- [ ] CalculateMeshCenter
- [ ] CalculateProfile
- [ ] IntegrateCurrent
- [ ] CleanupTetMesh
- [ ] CreateElectrodeParameterMatrices
- [ ] SetWireElectrodePotential
- [ ] CreateLightForViewer
- [ ] CalculateMisfitField
- [ ] SetWireElectrodeProperties
- [x] InsertVoltageSource
- [ ] InterfaceWithNeuroFEMForward
- [ ] CreateTrigCurrentPattern
- [ ] InterfaceWithNeuroFEMInverse
- [ ] ConvertIndicesToFieldData
- [ ] ConvertMeshCoordinateSystem
- [ ] GenerateMedialAxisPoints
- [ ] MapFieldDataOntoNodesRadialBasis
- [ ] PadRegularMesh
- [ ] DefinePeriodicBoundaries
- [ ] ConvertMatrixType
- [ ] RemoveZerosFromMatrix
- [ ] SortMatrix
- [x] ResizeMatrix
- [ ] ShowTextureSurface
- List: Other Hard GUI
- [ ] StreamMatrixFromDisk
- [ ] StreamACQFileFromDisk
- [ ] CreateViewerAxes
- [ ] CreateViewerClockIcon
- [ ] ShowTextureVolume
- [ ] CreateScaleBar
- [ ] CreateAndEditColorMap2D
- [ ] ImportDenseMatrixFromRaw
- [ ] CreateScalarMatrix
- [ ] SubsampleStructuredFieldByIndices
- [ ] CreateGeometricTransform
- [ ] OptimizeDipole
- [ ] OptimizeConductivities
- [ ] GenerateStreamLinesWithPlacementHeuristic
- List: Teem Package: Non-beta
- [ ] Convert*ToNrrd
- [ ] ConvertNrrdTo*
- [ ] SplitFieldIntoNrrdData
- [ ] CreateMeshFromNrrd
- [ ] ExportImage
- [ ] ImportImage
- [ ] BuildDrivedNrrdWithGage
- [ ] BuildNrrdGradientAndMagnitide
- [ ] BuildNrrdGradient
- [ ] ImportNrrdFromDicom
- [ ] ImportNrrdFromAnalyze
- [ ] ReportNrrdInfo
- [ ] SelectTimeStepFromNrrd
- [ ] Tend*
- [ ] Unu*
- [ ] ClassifyHeadTissuesFromMultiMRI
- [ ] SetNrrdProperty
- [ ] TendAnvol
- [ ] TendAnplot
- [ ] TendSten
- [ ] TendNorm
- [ ] TendAnhist
- [ ] TendAnscale
- [ ] TendBmat
- [ ] TendEpireg
- [ ] TendEval
- [ ] TendEvalAdd
- [ ] TendFiber
- List: Beta.2 modules
I'd like to add "WriteBundle" to this list under "List: Bundles" and request that full bundle support/conversion be moved up the list in priority of implementation (if that ranking exists)
Will do. At some point, I noted that WriteBundle was mistakenly missing from this list. Thanks for the reminder.
Stale issue message
@jessdtate Intern work?
Yeah, this is something they can tackle for sure. Perhaps when QT5 is running smoother.
This issue is stale because it has been open 240 days with no activity. Remove the stale label or comment, or this will be closed in 60 days.
This issue is stale because it has been open 240 days with no activity. Remove the stale label or comment, or this will be closed in 60 days.