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No navigation nodes rendered, if children are empty of one node
Description If the children of a navigation node are empty, no further nodes are rendered. Reason behind this is, that a user might visit the page but has no access to any of these nodes, therefore they are not delivered by the backend. But there should be a button in the top navigation that brings him back to an overall preselection so he can select an other customer where he might have permissions.
Expected result Other nodes to be rendered anyways
Actual result Not rendered
Steps to reproduce
Use this config e.g. in the playground. The "Some Action" is not displayed.
navigation: {
nodes: [{
pathSegment: 'home',
label: 'h',
hideFromNav: true,
children: []
pathSegment: 'foo',
label: 'Some Action',
icon: 'favorite-list',
viewUrl: '/examples/microfrontends/multipurpose.html',
hideSideNav: true,
context: {
title: 'Left navigation hidden',
content: 'for pages needing more space or wanting to handle navigation internally'
pathSegment: 'help',
label: 'Help',
icon: 'sys-help',
viewUrl: '/examples/microfrontends/multipurpose.html',
context: {
title: 'Help Section',
content: 'Find some useful links on the left'
children: [{
label: 'Back',
link: '/',
icon: 'nav-back'
label: 'Luigi Github Page',
externalLink : {
url: ''
label: 'Fundamental Library',
externalLink : {
url: ''
label: 'Fundamental Icons',
externalLink : {
url: ''
productSwitcher: {
items: [{
icon: '',
label: 'SAP homepage',
externalLink: {
url: '',
sameWindow: false
icon: '',
label: 'Svelte',
externalLink: {
url: '',
sameWindow: false
// uncomment if you want to use our mock oidc idp
auth: {
// We have registered the following provider at the window object:
// OAuth2 Implicit Grant: window.LuigiAuthOAuth2 - Docs:
// OIDC Implicit Grant: window.LuigiAuthOIDC - Docs:
use: 'myOAuth2',
myOAuth2: {
idpProvider: window.LuigiAuthOAuth2,
authorizeUrl: '/auth/idpmock/implicit.html',
logoutUrl: '/auth/idpmock/logout.html',
post_logout_redirect_uri: '/auth/logout.html',
authorizeMethod: 'GET',
oAuthData: {
client_id: 'egDuozijY5SVr0NSIowUP1dT6RVqHnlp',
redirect_uri: '/auth/callback.html'
routing: {
useHashRouting: true
lifecycleHooks: {
luigiAfterInit: () => {
console.log('Luigi initialized.');
settings: {
responsiveNavigation: 'semiCollapsible',
header: {
logo: 'img/luigi.svg',
title: 'Luigi Fiddle'
burgerTooltip: {
navExpanded: 'Collapse navigation',
navCollapsed: 'Expand navigation'