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mtabuild not using NPM registry url
Dear all,
we have configured the defaultnpmregistry parameter but it seems not to be used. Can someone help us?
[Pipeline] sh 08:33:58 + ./piper mtaBuild --defaultConfig .pipeline/landscape.yml --ignoreCustomDefaults 08:33:58 time="2024-02-01T07:33:58Z" level=info msg="Version 689c79e388e96d25ed9b644bebee9d1e81ab1d50" library=SAP/jenkins-library 08:33:58 info mtaBuild - Project config: NONE ('.pipeline/config.yml' does not exist) 08:33:58 debug mtaBuild - Vault not configured 08:33:58 debug mtaBuild - Retrieving hook configuration 08:33:58 debug mtaBuild - ConfigProvider options are not set. Provider configuration is skipped. 08:33:58 debug mtaBuild - For: STAGE_NAME, found: Build 08:33:58 debug mtaBuild - For: JOB_URL, found: http://XXXXXXXXXX 08:33:58 debug mtaBuild - For: BUILD_URL, found: http://XXXXXXXXXXXXXX 08:33:58 debug mtaBuild - Launching mta build 08:33:58 debug mtaBuild - Project settings file not provided via configuration. 08:33:58 debug mtaBuild - Copying file "settings.xml" to "/usr/share/maven/conf/settings.xml" 08:33:58 info mtaBuild - running command: npm config get registry
08:33:59 info mtaBuild - Discovered pre-configured npm registry registry with value http://localhost:8888/repository/npm-public/
08:33:59 info mtaBuild - "mta.yaml" file found in project sources
08:33:59 info mtaBuild - No timestamp contained in "mta.yaml". File has not been modified.
08:33:59 debug mtaBuild - mtar name not provided via config. Extracting from file "mta.yaml"
08:33:59 debug mtaBuild - mtar name extracted from file "mta.yaml": "XXXXX"
08:33:59 info mtaBuild - Executing mta build call: "mbt build --mtar XXXXX.mtar --platform XSA --source ./ --target /var/jenkins_home/workspace/xxxx"
08:33:59 info mtaBuild - running command: mbt build --mtar XXXXX.mtar --platform XSA --source ./ --target /var/jenkins_home/workspace/xxxx
08:33:59 info mtaBuild - [2024-02-01 07:33:59] INFO Cloud MTA Build Tool version 1.2.27
08:33:59 info mtaBuild - [2024-02-01 07:33:59] INFO generating the "Makefile_20240201073359.mta" file...
08:33:59 info mtaBuild - [2024-02-01 07:33:59] INFO done
08:33:59 info mtaBuild - [2024-02-01 07:33:59] INFO executing the "make -f Makefile_20240201073359.mta p=XSA mtar=XXXXX.mtar strict=true mode= t="/var/jenkins_home/workspace/xxxx"" command...
08:33:59 info mtaBuild - [2024-02-01 07:33:59] INFO validating the MTA project
08:33:59 info mtaBuild - [2024-02-01 07:33:59] INFO running the "before-all" build...
08:33:59 info mtaBuild - [2024-02-01 07:33:59] INFO executing the "npm --prefix /var/jenkins_home/workspace/xxxx/XXXXX cache clean --force" command...
08:33:59 warn mtaBuild - npm WARN using --force I sure hope you know what you are doing.
08:33:59 info mtaBuild - [2024-02-01 07:33:59] INFO executing the "npm --prefix /var/jenkins_home/workspace/xxxx/XXXXX install" command...
08:35:21 error mtaBuild - npm ERR! code EAI_AGAIN
08:35:21 error mtaBuild - npm ERR! errno EAI_AGAIN
08:35:21 error mtaBuild - npm ERR! request to failed, reason: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN