SDK-iOS copied to clipboard
ConverseResponse replies are blank
I'm calling textConverse(), and the replies are coming back blank.
Note that the doc page says to call response.reply() - but this function isn't defined. What is there is a replies array - which has zero elements.
My text is making it to the bot service (it shows up in the log feed), and a my response handler is getting called with a response object. response.toJSONString() returns: "{\n "replies" : [\n\n ],\n "status" : 200,\n "source" : "Hello",\n "next_actions" : [\n\n ],\n "language" : "en",\n "entities" : {\n\n },\n "intents" : [\n {\n "slug" : "greetings",\n "description" : "Says hello",\n "confidence" : 0.98999999999999999\n }\n ],\n "uuid" : "f6c9cadb-1eae-418a-867b-4d3036e12c68",\n "timestamp" : "2018-04-16T03:18:45.762471+00:00",\n "version" : "2.12.0",\n "conversation_token" : "f33f96791e7139250b85bc8a7e4bab63",\n "memory" : {\n\n }\n}"
Notice the replies array is empty.
My bot returns a normal greeting reply when I run it in as a webchat or in the botbuilder.
Am I misunderstanding how to use the API here? Or is something wrong?
Hi Eric, Converse is the old Builder route, we are going to update the Swift SDK with the new route of the builder
Hi @plieb could you please push it to cocoapods? I cannot update it locally. Thanks