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Feature Request: Lock/Unlock

Open MisterCookie1234 opened this issue 3 years ago • 5 comments

Hej! I would like to reach out with some newer Ideas. It would be great if u could lock ArmorStands within the GUI where u cant accidently move them anymore or (most important) no one, not even yourself, can take items from it. Because in certain creations its annoying when u accidently move them or steal a item from one of the armor_stands

I could imagine another item next to the "HELP?" one, called "lock" with a green_terracotta. If u press it, its gets red and says the armor_stand is locked and can't be edited until you unlock it. idk if thats the best solution, but i think so.


MisterCookie1234 avatar Dec 07 '20 17:12 MisterCookie1234

u can make them not interactabable then they are like "ghosts" that u still can see :) u even cant take item from them anymore in trhat case al u can do is using the edittool ;)

CloudeLecaw avatar Jan 29 '21 11:01 CloudeLecaw

Huh, how? I only know about Third Party Plugins that can accomplish this, but not that the Editor itself can do it.

MisterCookie1234 avatar Jan 29 '21 12:01 MisterCookie1234


CloudeLecaw avatar Mar 12 '21 06:03 CloudeLecaw

I added it in my fork:

JessePesse123 avatar Jul 16 '21 14:07 JessePesse123

cmi is trash, not oss and not free, no thx pls

RoboMWM avatar Jul 16 '21 18:07 RoboMWM