InterpolateHeatmapLayer copied to clipboard
EXT_color_buffer_float not supported
Not 100% what I'm doing wrong here, I get this error after the map has loaded:
Uncaught WebGL extension EXT_color_buffer_float not supported
I think I followed the documentation correctly I checked my browser support and it does support that extension
A sample of my code: ` const map = new mapboxgl.Map({ container: this.$, style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/light-v10', zoom: 7, pitch: 0, center: [5, 51] });
map.on('load', () => { const points = => ({ lat: o.latitude, lon: o.longitude, val: o.complexityScore }))
const layer = InterpolateHeatmapLayer({
layerId: 'Locations',
averageThreshold: 1,
minValue: -10,
maxValue: 10,
pointRadius: 100
}); `
Any idea what could be happening?