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Update MenuTopicManager.h
I believe unkB7
could be renamed to dialogueListHasChild
due to its usage in the function seen here
char *__fastcall MenuTopicManager::PossiblySetTopic_14056E5F0(MenuTopicManager *MenuTopicManagerPtr, int32 DialogListIndexWhichStartsAtZero)
char *result; // rax
BSSimpleList_DialogueItem2__ *DialogListEntry; // rdi
int64 v5; // rbx
int64 v6; // rax
void *v7; // rax
int64 a2a; // [rsp+50h] [rbp+8h] BYREF
result = 0i64;
DialogListEntry = MenuTopicManagerPtr->dialogueList;
if ( MenuTopicManagerPtr->unkB7 )
DialogListEntry = DialogListEntry->Next_8;
if ( !DialogListEntry )
goto LABEL_18;
while ( result < DialogListIndexWhichStartsAtZero )
DialogListEntry = DialogListEntry->Next_8;
result = (result + 1); // result++;
if ( !DialogListEntry )
goto LABEL_18;
MenuTopicManagerPtr->selectedResponseNode = DialogListEntry;
a2a = 0i64;
LookupREFRByHandle3_1401328A0(&MenuTopicManagerPtr->speaker, &a2a);
v5 = a2a;
if ( a2a )
v6 = 0i64;
if ( *(a2a + 26) == 62 )
v6 = a2a;
if ( !v6 && DialogListEntry->Item_0 )
Character::sub_1402A6E50(a2a, DialogListEntry->Item_0->unk50);
v7 = TESTopic::sub_14038F9A0(DialogListEntry->Item_0->unk50, v5, assaulter, 0i64, 0i64, 0i64);
TESObjectREFR::sub_1402A6E20(v5, v7);
if ( v5 )
if ( (_InterlockedDecrement((v5 + 40)) & 0x3FF) == 0 )
(*(*(v5 + 32) + 8i64))(v5 + 32);
result = MenuTopicManagerPtr->selectedResponseNode;
if ( *result )
LOBYTE(result) = 1;
LOBYTE(result) = 0;
return result;