RxDataSources copied to clipboard
Problem with Carthage on v5.0
hi when running any Carthage command, we get an error :
Parse error: expected submodule commit SHA in output of task (ls-tree -z 5.0.0 Carthage/Checkouts/RxSwift) but encountered:
this seems to be coming from the fact that a .gitmodules file was committed with this version.
I found an issue with the same problem that was closed : issues/393
there seems to be a fix in development: /pull/392
Do you know when this will be available ?
I am having the same issue and this is currently preventing me from updating to RxSwift 6. Is there anyway we can help get #392 merged in and released?
(edit to add PR reference for #392)
Any updates on this? Been waiting for a fix for over a month.
+1 same on my side
@freak4pc possible to merge in a pre release ?
Same here. We're now using github "kinwahlai/RxDataSources" "main"
but that's too bad. It seems like an easy fix
Can you try 5.0.1 please? Thanks.
I failed to build with Carthage on Xcode 12.4. Any updates? Do we have prebuilt xcframework to download? Tried on 5.0.1 @freak4pc