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Crash in TableViewSectionDataSource when showing and hiding a section
In my project I have a chat detail with a list of messages. I use the RxTableViewSectionedAnimatedDataSource
with two sections.
In most cases, only the section with the messages is shown but when the user scrolls to the top of the table view, I set the isLoading
property so an additional section at the top is shown with just 1 cell showing a spinner.
let data = Observable.combineLatest(viewModel.messages.asObservable(), viewModel.isLoading.asObservable()) { (messages: [Message], isLoading: Bool) -> [AnimatableLoaderSectionModel] in
var sections: [AnimatableLoaderSectionModel] = []
if isLoading {
sections.append(.ItemsSection(items: messages.map({ .Item(item: $0) })))
return sections
After loading the older messages is done isLoading
is set back to false and the new messages appear in viewModel.messages
This works fine most of the times, but when I scroll to top really fast doing it again and again I get a crash in https://github.com/RxSwiftCommunity/RxDataSources/blob/master/Sources/RxDataSources/TableViewSectionedDataSource.swift#L190.
When I do not append the .LoaderSection
when constructing data
then it does not happen, ever.
To be more exact, in the method
open func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell {
precondition(indexPath.item < _sectionModels[indexPath.section].items.count)
The indexPath
is for example section=1, row=6 but the _sectionModels
only have 1 item, resulting in an out fo bound crash basically.
It looks like the data source is trying to update some item and still thinks the
exists (so .LoaderSection
is section=0 and the update is for section=1) but the _sectionModels
does not contain the .LoaderSection
I guess I'm going through the same situation, do you have any solution?
I'd gladly try to check this but do you have some kind of reduced example?
My issue was with other not disposable sequence, not related with TableViewSectionDataSource, thanks for asking @mkko
@RafaelPlantard, could you share what exactly was the issue on your end? I think I'm facing the same problem now with a similar use case like @igorkulman.
I have same issue. In my case my tableview continuously append and remove cell using accept data to datasource.