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Recommended AEAD algorithms

Open tarcieri opened this issue 3 years ago • 5 comments

Following up from, this is an issue for discussion potentially adding "recommended" badges to certain algorithms in this repo:

Recommended: Yes

tarcieri avatar Feb 09 '21 15:02 tarcieri

I'd suggest at least the following are safe to recommend:

  • aes-gcm
  • aes-gcm-siv
  • aes-siv
  • chacha20poly1305
  • eax

I don't think there are any algorithms implemented in this repo we should actively recommend people avoid, however some specific thoughts on why not to recommend certain algorithms:

ccm: obsoleted by eax

I don't think we should actively recommend against CCM as it is popular in the embedded space. However I think there were a number of bad decisions made in the design of CCM which are addressed by EAX. Some of those include:

  • The length of the plaintext message and AAD need to be known in advance
  • AAD is MAC'd last rather than first, which together with the above issue complicates online/streaming encryption
  • AES-CCM uses needlessly complex message framing with variable-length length tags

xsalsa20poly1305: obsoleted by chacha20poly1305

  • The ChaCha(20) stream cipher family provides better per-round diffusion than the Salsa20 family.
  • ChaCha20 is a full AEAD algorithm, whereas XSalsa20Poly1305 does not support AAD.
  • ChaCha20Poly1305 is specified in RFC 8439. XSalsa20Poly1305 has no associated RFC.
  • The XChaCha20Poly1305 construction provides the same extended nonce benefits as XSalsa20Poly1305.

tarcieri avatar Feb 09 '21 15:02 tarcieri

Note that I plan to introduce generic GCM and SIV crates, making the aes variants thin wrappers around them.

newpavlov avatar Feb 09 '21 16:02 newpavlov

The aes-gcm and aes-siv crates are already generic around a block cipher, as it were.

tarcieri avatar Feb 09 '21 16:02 tarcieri

The idea is to publish them under gcm and siv names respectively, to make them consistent with other crates.

newpavlov avatar Feb 09 '21 16:02 newpavlov

Sure, we can do that, although I'd probably suggest trying to tackle first as for at least the aes-gcm case it requires implementing some specific interactions between e.g. the aes and ghash crates.

tarcieri avatar Feb 09 '21 16:02 tarcieri