rust-portaudio copied to clipboard
Failing build on osx with no prior portaudio installation (rust 1.5 nightly)
My understanding is if I don't have a prior portaudio installation on my system, this build should download it and we're good to go. That doesn't seem to be the case, however. This is my full terminal log from download to build:
macferris:projects yupferris$ git clone [email protected]:jeremyletang/rust-portaudio.git
Cloning into 'rust-portaudio'...
remote: Counting objects: 1174, done.
remote: Total 1174 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1174
Receiving objects: 100% (1174/1174), 1010.41 KiB | 1.01 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (691/691), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
macferris:projects yupferris$ cd rust-portaudio/
macferris:rust-portaudio yupferris$ cargo build
Updating registry ``
Compiling libc v0.1.10
Compiling bitflags v0.3.2
Compiling pkg-config v0.3.6
Compiling num v0.1.27
Compiling portaudio v0.4.17 (file:///Users/yupferris/dev/projects/rust-portaudio)
src/pa/ 368:88 warning: the parameter type `O` may not live long enough [E0310]
src/pa/ let user_callback = Box::new(UserCallback { f: user_callback_fn_wrapper });
src/pa/ 368:88 help: run `rustc --explain E0310` to see a detailed explanation
src/pa/ 368:88 help: consider adding an explicit lifetime bound `O: 'static`...
src/pa/ 368:88 note: this warning results from recent bug fixes and clarifications; it will become a HARD ERROR in the next release. See RFC 1214 for details.
src/pa/ let user_callback = Box::new(UserCallback { f: user_callback_fn_wrapper });
src/pa/ 368:88 note: that the type `[closure@src/pa/ 367:18 num_input_channels:u32, num_output_channels:u32, callback:Box<for<'r, 'r, 'r> core::ops::FnMut(&'r [I], &'r mut [O], u32, &'r pa::types::StreamCallbackTimeInfo, pa::types::stream_callback_flags::StreamCallbackFlags) -> pa::types::StreamCallbackResult>]` will meet its required lifetime bounds
src/pa/ let user_callback = Box::new(UserCallback { f: user_callback_fn_wrapper });
src/pa/ 368:88 warning: the parameter type `I` may not live long enough [E0310]
src/pa/ let user_callback = Box::new(UserCallback { f: user_callback_fn_wrapper });
src/pa/ 368:88 help: run `rustc --explain E0310` to see a detailed explanation
src/pa/ 368:88 help: consider adding an explicit lifetime bound `I: 'static`...
src/pa/ 368:88 note: this warning results from recent bug fixes and clarifications; it will become a HARD ERROR in the next release. See RFC 1214 for details.
src/pa/ let user_callback = Box::new(UserCallback { f: user_callback_fn_wrapper });
src/pa/ 368:88 note: that the type `[closure@src/pa/ 367:18 num_input_channels:u32, num_output_channels:u32, callback:Box<for<'r, 'r, 'r> core::ops::FnMut(&'r [I], &'r mut [O], u32, &'r pa::types::StreamCallbackTimeInfo, pa::types::stream_callback_flags::StreamCallbackFlags) -> pa::types::StreamCallbackResult>]` will meet its required lifetime bounds
src/pa/ let user_callback = Box::new(UserCallback { f: user_callback_fn_wrapper });
src/pa/ 482:88 warning: the parameter type `O` may not live long enough [E0310]
src/pa/ let user_callback = Box::new(UserCallback { f: user_callback_fn_wrapper });
src/pa/ 482:88 help: run `rustc --explain E0310` to see a detailed explanation
src/pa/ 482:88 help: consider adding an explicit lifetime bound `O: 'static`...
src/pa/ 482:88 note: this warning results from recent bug fixes and clarifications; it will become a HARD ERROR in the next release. See RFC 1214 for details.
src/pa/ let user_callback = Box::new(UserCallback { f: user_callback_fn_wrapper });
src/pa/ 482:88 note: that the type `[closure@src/pa/ 481:18 num_input_channels:i32, num_output_channels:i32, callback:Box<for<'r, 'r, 'r> core::ops::FnMut(&'r [I], &'r mut [O], u32, &'r pa::types::StreamCallbackTimeInfo, pa::types::stream_callback_flags::StreamCallbackFlags) -> pa::types::StreamCallbackResult>]` will meet its required lifetime bounds
src/pa/ let user_callback = Box::new(UserCallback { f: user_callback_fn_wrapper });
src/pa/ 482:88 warning: the parameter type `I` may not live long enough [E0310]
src/pa/ let user_callback = Box::new(UserCallback { f: user_callback_fn_wrapper });
src/pa/ 482:88 help: run `rustc --explain E0310` to see a detailed explanation
src/pa/ 482:88 help: consider adding an explicit lifetime bound `I: 'static`...
src/pa/ 482:88 note: this warning results from recent bug fixes and clarifications; it will become a HARD ERROR in the next release. See RFC 1214 for details.
src/pa/ let user_callback = Box::new(UserCallback { f: user_callback_fn_wrapper });
src/pa/ 482:88 note: that the type `[closure@src/pa/ 481:18 num_input_channels:i32, num_output_channels:i32, callback:Box<for<'r, 'r, 'r> core::ops::FnMut(&'r [I], &'r mut [O], u32, &'r pa::types::StreamCallbackTimeInfo, pa::types::stream_callback_flags::StreamCallbackFlags) -> pa::types::StreamCallbackResult>]` will meet its required lifetime bounds
src/pa/ let user_callback = Box::new(UserCallback { f: user_callback_fn_wrapper });
<bitflags macros>:7:27: 8:19 warning: missing documentation for a constant
<bitflags macros>:7 $ ( # [ $ Flag_attr ] ) * pub const $ Flag : $ BitFlags = $ BitFlags {
<bitflags macros>:8 bits : $ value } ; ) + impl :: std:: fmt:: Debug for $ BitFlags {
<bitflags macros>:90:1: 92:63 note: in this expansion of bitflags! (defined in <bitflags macros>)
src/pa/ 108:6 note: in this expansion of bitflags! (defined in <bitflags macros>)
src/ 54:21 note: lint level defined here
src/ #![warn(missing_docs)]
<bitflags macros>:7:27: 8:19 warning: missing documentation for a constant
<bitflags macros>:7 $ ( # [ $ Flag_attr ] ) * pub const $ Flag : $ BitFlags = $ BitFlags {
<bitflags macros>:8 bits : $ value } ; ) + impl :: std:: fmt:: Debug for $ BitFlags {
<bitflags macros>:90:1: 92:63 note: in this expansion of bitflags! (defined in <bitflags macros>)
src/pa/ 108:6 note: in this expansion of bitflags! (defined in <bitflags macros>)
src/ 54:21 note: lint level defined here
src/ #![warn(missing_docs)]
<bitflags macros>:7:27: 8:19 warning: missing documentation for a constant
<bitflags macros>:7 $ ( # [ $ Flag_attr ] ) * pub const $ Flag : $ BitFlags = $ BitFlags {
<bitflags macros>:8 bits : $ value } ; ) + impl :: std:: fmt:: Debug for $ BitFlags {
<bitflags macros>:90:1: 92:63 note: in this expansion of bitflags! (defined in <bitflags macros>)
src/pa/ 108:6 note: in this expansion of bitflags! (defined in <bitflags macros>)
src/ 54:21 note: lint level defined here
src/ #![warn(missing_docs)]
<bitflags macros>:7:27: 8:19 warning: missing documentation for a constant
<bitflags macros>:7 $ ( # [ $ Flag_attr ] ) * pub const $ Flag : $ BitFlags = $ BitFlags {
<bitflags macros>:8 bits : $ value } ; ) + impl :: std:: fmt:: Debug for $ BitFlags {
<bitflags macros>:90:1: 92:63 note: in this expansion of bitflags! (defined in <bitflags macros>)
src/pa/ 108:6 note: in this expansion of bitflags! (defined in <bitflags macros>)
src/ 54:21 note: lint level defined here
src/ #![warn(missing_docs)]
<bitflags macros>:7:27: 8:19 warning: missing documentation for a constant
<bitflags macros>:7 $ ( # [ $ Flag_attr ] ) * pub const $ Flag : $ BitFlags = $ BitFlags {
<bitflags macros>:8 bits : $ value } ; ) + impl :: std:: fmt:: Debug for $ BitFlags {
<bitflags macros>:90:1: 92:63 note: in this expansion of bitflags! (defined in <bitflags macros>)
src/pa/ 108:6 note: in this expansion of bitflags! (defined in <bitflags macros>)
src/ 54:21 note: lint level defined here
src/ #![warn(missing_docs)]
<bitflags macros>:7:27: 8:19 warning: missing documentation for a constant
<bitflags macros>:7 $ ( # [ $ Flag_attr ] ) * pub const $ Flag : $ BitFlags = $ BitFlags {
<bitflags macros>:8 bits : $ value } ; ) + impl :: std:: fmt:: Debug for $ BitFlags {
<bitflags macros>:90:1: 92:63 note: in this expansion of bitflags! (defined in <bitflags macros>)
src/pa/ 108:6 note: in this expansion of bitflags! (defined in <bitflags macros>)
src/ 54:21 note: lint level defined here
src/ #![warn(missing_docs)]
<bitflags macros>:7:27: 8:19 warning: missing documentation for a constant
<bitflags macros>:7 $ ( # [ $ Flag_attr ] ) * pub const $ Flag : $ BitFlags = $ BitFlags {
<bitflags macros>:8 bits : $ value } ; ) + impl :: std:: fmt:: Debug for $ BitFlags {
<bitflags macros>:90:1: 92:63 note: in this expansion of bitflags! (defined in <bitflags macros>)
src/pa/ 173:6 note: in this expansion of bitflags! (defined in <bitflags macros>)
src/ 54:21 note: lint level defined here
src/ #![warn(missing_docs)]
<bitflags macros>:7:27: 8:19 warning: missing documentation for a constant
<bitflags macros>:7 $ ( # [ $ Flag_attr ] ) * pub const $ Flag : $ BitFlags = $ BitFlags {
<bitflags macros>:8 bits : $ value } ; ) + impl :: std:: fmt:: Debug for $ BitFlags {
<bitflags macros>:90:1: 92:63 note: in this expansion of bitflags! (defined in <bitflags macros>)
src/pa/ 173:6 note: in this expansion of bitflags! (defined in <bitflags macros>)
src/ 54:21 note: lint level defined here
src/ #![warn(missing_docs)]
<bitflags macros>:7:27: 8:19 warning: missing documentation for a constant
<bitflags macros>:7 $ ( # [ $ Flag_attr ] ) * pub const $ Flag : $ BitFlags = $ BitFlags {
<bitflags macros>:8 bits : $ value } ; ) + impl :: std:: fmt:: Debug for $ BitFlags {
<bitflags macros>:90:1: 92:63 note: in this expansion of bitflags! (defined in <bitflags macros>)
src/pa/ 173:6 note: in this expansion of bitflags! (defined in <bitflags macros>)
src/ 54:21 note: lint level defined here
src/ #![warn(missing_docs)]
<bitflags macros>:7:27: 8:19 warning: missing documentation for a constant
<bitflags macros>:7 $ ( # [ $ Flag_attr ] ) * pub const $ Flag : $ BitFlags = $ BitFlags {
<bitflags macros>:8 bits : $ value } ; ) + impl :: std:: fmt:: Debug for $ BitFlags {
<bitflags macros>:90:1: 92:63 note: in this expansion of bitflags! (defined in <bitflags macros>)
src/pa/ 173:6 note: in this expansion of bitflags! (defined in <bitflags macros>)
src/ 54:21 note: lint level defined here
src/ #![warn(missing_docs)]
<bitflags macros>:7:27: 8:19 warning: missing documentation for a constant
<bitflags macros>:7 $ ( # [ $ Flag_attr ] ) * pub const $ Flag : $ BitFlags = $ BitFlags {
<bitflags macros>:8 bits : $ value } ; ) + impl :: std:: fmt:: Debug for $ BitFlags {
<bitflags macros>:90:1: 92:63 note: in this expansion of bitflags! (defined in <bitflags macros>)
src/pa/ 173:6 note: in this expansion of bitflags! (defined in <bitflags macros>)
src/ 54:21 note: lint level defined here
src/ #![warn(missing_docs)]
<bitflags macros>:7:27: 8:19 warning: missing documentation for a constant
<bitflags macros>:7 $ ( # [ $ Flag_attr ] ) * pub const $ Flag : $ BitFlags = $ BitFlags {
<bitflags macros>:8 bits : $ value } ; ) + impl :: std:: fmt:: Debug for $ BitFlags {
<bitflags macros>:90:1: 92:63 note: in this expansion of bitflags! (defined in <bitflags macros>)
src/pa/ 173:6 note: in this expansion of bitflags! (defined in <bitflags macros>)
src/ 54:21 note: lint level defined here
src/ #![warn(missing_docs)]
error: could not find native static library `portaudio`, perhaps an -L flag is missing?
Could not compile `portaudio`.
To learn more, run the command again with --verbose.
+1, on osx as well.
Hrrmmm interestingly, travis passes on both osx and linux on my sound_stream
crate (that depends on portaudio) using this install script - maybe it could be adapted to our
file in order to fix this?
I tried the install script but had the same error.
I tried the script, and got this error:
configure: error: Couldn't find 10.5, 10.6, 10.7, 10.8 or 10.9 SDK
~~I'm getting a bunch of warnings and then this:
error: could not find native static library portaudio
, perhaps an -L flag is missing?
Could not compile portaudio
I used brew to install portaudio, but the error stays.~~
Forget that. I did a cargo clean, then another build, and it works (with portaudio installed using brew).
@FLWrd Thank you very much! $ cargo clean
, $ brew install portaudio
, $ cargo build
fixed it.
Thanks @FLWrd , good to know it will work with portaudio installed! The problem still exists however when it's not preinstalled, which the library advertises should also work.
Ran into this issue on OSX today. Tried to naively cargo build
without portaudio previously installed. Installed through brew and tried a second cargo build
only to see the same error previously listed: could not find native static library portaudio, perhaps an -L flag is missing?
In any case, running cargo clean
after installing portaudio followed by a final cargo build
resolved the issue.