spark-cassandra-csv icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
spark-cassandra-csv copied to clipboard

An example stand alone program to import CSV files into Apache Cassandra using Apache Spark

Spark CSV Loader for Cassandra

An Example Tool for Using Spark to load a CSV file into Cassandra using spark Pull Requests and Issues Welcome!

Spark CSV Loader 1.0
Usage: sparkcsvexample [options] filename keyspace table mapping [master] [cassandraIp]

        Filename to read, csv, ex.(file:///temp/file.csv). If no locator uri it provided will look in Hadoop DefaultFS (CFS on DSE)
        Keyspace to save to
        Table to save to
        A file containing the names of the Cassandra columns that the csv columns should map to, comma-delimited
        Spark Address of Master Node, Default runs `dsetool sparkmaster` to find master
        Ip Address of Cassandra Server, Default uses Spark Master IP address
  -m <value> | --maxcores <value>
        Number of cores to use by this application
  -x <value> | --executormemory <value>
        Amount of memory for each executor (JVM Style Strings)
  -v | --verify
        Run verification checks after inserting data
        CLI Help

This tool is designed to work with both standalone Apache Spark and Cassandra Clusters as well as DataStax Cassandra/Spark Clusters.


(DSE > 4.5.2 or Apache C* > 2.0.5 ) and Spark > 0.9.1

Building the project

To build go to the home directory of the project and run

./sbt/sbt assembly

This will produce a fat-jar in target/scala-2.10/spark-csv-assembly-1.0.jar. Which needs to be included in any running Spark job. It contains the references to the anonymous functions which Spark will use when running.

Creating the Example Keyspace and Table

This application assumes that the keyspace and table to be inserted to already exist. To create the table used in the example used below run the following commands in cqlsh.

CREATE KEYSPACE ks WITH replication = {
  'class': 'SimpleStrategy',
  'replication_factor': '1'

USE ks;

  key int,
  data1 int,
  data2 int,
  data3 int,
  PRIMARY KEY ((key))

Running with Datastax Enterprise

When running on a Datstax Enterprise Cluster with Spark Enabled the app can be run with the included script. This will include the fat-jar referenced above on the classpath for the dse spark-class call and run the application. Running with this method will pickup your file and correctly place the logs in your predefined locations.

./ -m 4 file://`pwd`/exampleCsv ks tab exampleMapping

Running with Apache Cassandra

We can run directly from sbt using

#Note that here we need to specify the spark master uri and cassandra ip, otherwise
#the program will try to use DataStax Enterprise to pick up these values
./sbt/sbt "run -m 4 file://`pwd`/exampleCsv ks tab exampleMapping spark://"