Russ Nelson
Russ Nelson
npm ERR! Linux 4.15.0-42-generic npm ERR! argv "/usr/bin/node" "/usr/bin/npm" "start" npm ERR! node v8.10.0 npm ERR! npm v3.5.2 npm ERR! file sh npm ERR! code ELIFECYCLE npm ERR! errno ENOENT...
I want to make a one-handed chording keyboard using these switches. They need to be at slight angles to each other to reflect the angle of movement of the fingers....
I use an ergo keyboard, the Kinesis Essential. It has two flat mini-keyboards (ctrl/alt/backspace/delete/home/end) and (alt/ctrl/space/enter/pageup/pagedown), and two dished keyboards. Frankly, dishing and PCBs are incompatible .... _until now_! If...
In a perfect world, possibly a future world, this video would show how to insert the magnets (but how to indicate polarity?) and include the levitator and a key playground...
Hi. I was the Open Source Initiative VP in charge of Licenses for 11 years. Open Source licenses protect the code by restricting the right to copy with copyright permissions....
Oops. I tried to reprogram my Solo Tap A, which seems to have burned the fuse that prevents re-programming. That's fine, but .... it was stuck in DFU mode, which...
I scan with an HP multifunction to a Network Folder and it always scans to "scan.pdf" unless one already exists, then "scan0001.pdf" etc. They're useless names. How can I use...
It can be useful to keep track of whether an upload has failed temporarily (e.g. network error) or permanently (e.g. configuration error). This would be done in Uploader.upload() where the...
Naive users (e.g. me) get concerned when they see a message talking about bad packages, and reasons why they are naughty. If there are none, then say so.
The color seems over-specified for an RGBW bulb: {name:"hue" , type:type.uint16_le}, {name:"saturation", type:type.uint16_le}, {name:"brightness", type:type.uint16_le}, {name:"kelvin" , type:type.uint16_le}, hue and saturation specify color one way, but kelvin sets the color...