Latest status: Gizmos render correctly in Game view with following settings in UniversalRenderPipelineAsset: - In Quality: Disable HDR and Anti Aliasing (MSAA) - In ForwardRendererData asset: Remove Renderer Features and...
I [asked about the issue in Unity forums](, and Unity developer said that we need to implement our own _ScriptableRenderPass_. I understood how to create one, but then also the...
@npresseault, as this is a hack anyway, I replaced a lot of text with one line, my trait became: ``` trait ObjenesisCacheClearer { @Before def before() { ObjenesisHelper.OBJENESIS_STD.cache = null...
I had the same problem. As I understood it's not related to Android, but to test run configuration and classpath. For me test class was loaded with another class loader...
@dbrizov, do you plan to merge @krisrok's pull request (#181)?
Hi, I don't know exactly how it's implemented in Naughty, but until this is fixed, here's a temporary fix we used on our end - a drawer for @jurcaua's TestClass:...
+1 for MultiDropdown - "make Dropdown* support collection fields" feature. I'm using code from "In the meantime, you can achieve it like this", and added a CustomPropertyDrawer for that inner...
Nice one! Found an issue though, although it may be Unity's (I'm using 2022.1.0b12.2880, reproduced in 2022.1.0b16 too). Asset isn't marked as Dirty, so I added `EditorUtility.SetDirty(property.serializedObject.targetObject);` after `ApplyModifiedProperties` and...
As far as I remember, it worked for me too in Scene and Prefabs (when they are opened), but it doesn't for ScriptableObjects and if Prefabs are not opened Oh...