Columbus copied to clipboard
405 Not Allowed
i downloadet the zip. works great! thanks :) after update (tray contextmenu) i got this error:
Error at line 1.
Line Text:
405 Not Allowe...
Error: This line does not contain a recognized action.
The program will exit.
The downloaded file is just some standard HTML saying that the site in inaccesible. I'm not sure if the current version tries to fetch updates from (which is a domain I no longer own) but anyway, just download the latest version from here and never update, or use similar program like Launchy.
thanks. and thanks for the too. i am interested in the fuzzy.ahk works really great. i may want to reuse it with global IntelliSenseEverywhere script. may data are stored into a sqLite - Database and not XML. i dont know. some say sqLite is faster. thanks
The fuzzy function works okay, however it probably isn't too fast or reliable in all circumstances. You'll have to try it out and see how it works. And yeah, storing info to a database is usually faster, at least when the size of the data increases.