Ok, I'll try to build a prototype. But I think this will take some time, and I have other things on gclh that need my attention first.
Ich denke das wird über irgendeine API-Funktion geregelt sein. Vielleicht sollten wir uns doch mal für nen API-Zugang Bewerben 😃
Ich hab in dieser Richtung (Header) leider gar nichts gemacht. Darum würde ich mich hier mal dezent raus halten 😃
Yes I think I have done everything correctly. here is my complete code (I XXX out private details ;) ): ` var _session: Session! var configuration = SessionConfiguration() =...
I have the same problem with my Raspberry Pi 3B. What Hardware are you using @cfpl02 ?
My Problem was solved by using another SD Card on my Pi. Maybe the first one was broken.
have somebody solved this Problem?
I found something. On the first call of the CartController (your controller, not the one from Magento), it seams that the totals are not generated, because $subtotal = $totals['subtotal']->getValue(); returns...
Ok, 2 minutes later I found the solution :). Just add right before this line: Mage::getSingleton('checkout/cart')->getQuote()->collectTotals()->save(); then it works.