Robert Logiewa
Robert Logiewa
I have a small Wiki parser written. I'll have to write some more UnitTests for it, but then I'll upload it as a new branch here.
You have to get the images at some point and that is the reason for the parser. After that we should store them offline and requery when a new build...
For now it's in a separate repository. Handling a small at this point is less hassle. I'll move it to the main GW2.NET Solution when it's done. At that point...
The code already uses regex to match the version string, albeit a slightly different one. The regex in question is: ```RegEx "^(?[0]|[1-9]+[0-9]*|[*])((\.(?[0]|[1-9]+[0-9]*|[*]))(\.(?[0]|[1-9]+[0-9]*|[*]))?)?(\-(?[0-9A-Za-z\-\.]+|[*]))?(\+(?[0-9A-Za-z\-\.]+|[*]))?$" ``` The `SemanticVersion.IsVersion(string)` method then matches this regex....
The CLI written in Rust is something I'd want to tackle as well (time permitting) because I took quite a few steps when rewriting and refactoring code for the FFI...