gitflow4idea-plus icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
gitflow4idea-plus copied to clipboard

Could not determine git flow version

Open viggo-lee opened this issue 1 year ago • 0 comments

  • I'm submitting a ...
  • [ ] bug report
  • **What is the current behavior? ** use gitflow

  • Is this a bug? Sorry about that. If so give me explicit details how to reproduce:

  1. Open IntelliJ
  2. alert error
  • **What is the expected behavior? ** no error

  • **What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior? **

  • Please tell me about your environment:

  • Gitflow4idea version: 0.7.13

  • Gitflow version: 1.12.3 (AVH Edition)

  • IntelliJ Help -> about > click copy icon and paste here. Should look like this:

IntelliJ IDEA 2023.2.5 (Ultimate Edition)
Build #IU-232.10227.8, built on November 9, 2023
Runtime version: 17.0.9+7-b1000.46 aarch64
VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o.
macOS 14.1.1
GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation
Memory: 4096M
Cores: 16
Metal Rendering is ON

Non-Bundled Plugins:
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Batch Scripts Support (1.0.13)
com.intellij.zh (232.172)
com.nasller.CodeGlancePro (1.7.6)
com.intellij.plugins.macoskeymap (232.6095.10)
com.mallowigi.idea (22.0.0)
com.ultrahob.zerolength.plugin (0.95)
cn.olange.rule (
com.godwin.json.parser (1.7.1)
com.codeium.intellij (1.4.11)
com.robohorse.robopojogenerator (2.4.1)
HighlightBracketPair (1.4.2)
com.github.lppedd. idea-conventional-commit (0.22.0)
com.github.chencn.yamlandprops (1.0.5)
com.starxg. mybatis-log-plugin-free (1.3.0)
leetcode-editor (8.8) (1.7)
BrowseWordAtCaret (3.0.5)
de.netnexus.camelcaseplugin (3.0.12)
com.samvtran.plugins.macosforallkeymap (2.0.0) (2023.10-2023.2-955)
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com.markskelton. one-dark-theme (5.9.0)
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Key Promoter X (2023.3.0)
org.jetbrains. search-everywhere-docs (1.0.12)
com.pinkfloyded.idea-file-path-autocomplete. idea-file-path-autocomplete (0.4.1)
ink.organics.pojo2json (2.0.3)
io.codearte. props2yaml (1.0.2) (2.2)
coderead.IdeaPlugins.maven (1.1)
com.dubreuia.tool (2.6.2)
com.dguner. lombok-builder-helper (1.5.0)
jclasslib (
com.intellij.spring.websocket (232.8660.142)
String Manipulation (9.11.3)
ChatGPT (3.1.7-231.232)
org.jetbrains.kotlin (232-1.9.20-release-507-IJ10072.27)
PlantUML integration (7.3.0-IJ2023.2)
com.intellij.dubbo (232.8660.200)
org.jetbrains.jumpToLine (0.1.14)
com.github.rxyor.plugin.pom.assistant (1.6)
com.weirddev.testme (6.0.0)
com.diffblue.intellij.cover.plugin (2023.11.01-2023.2)
com.jetbrains.packagesearch.intellij-plugin (232.9921.28)
de.kontext_e.idea.plugins. autofill (1.2)
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com.biyusheng.plugins (2.3.4)
com.uso.plugin.pom (0.0.6)
QAPlug (1.3.31)
QAPlug - FindBugs (1.3.10)
GrepConsole (12.22.1-IJ2021.1)
Gitflow-Fix (0.7.13)
com.sjhy.plugin.easycode (1.2.8-RELEASE)
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izhangzhihao.rainbow.brackets.lite (1.1.0)
MavenRunHelper (4.26.0-IJ2022.2)
Pythonid (232.10227.8)
ru.meanmail.plugin.requirements (2022.4.1)
io.github.linwancen. show-comment (
ru.adelf.idea.dotenv (2023.2)
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com.intellij.bigdatatools.metastore.core (232.10227.8)
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com.intellij.bigdatatools.zeppelin (232.10072.27)
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mobi.hsz.idea.gitignore (4.5.2)
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wl-spring-assistant (
cn.yiiguxing.plugin.translate (3.5.6)
com.baomidou.plugin.idea.mybatisx (1.6.1)

Kotlin: 232-1.9.20-release-507-IJ10072.27
  • Other information (e.g. detailed explanation, stacktrace, related issues, suggestions how to fix, links for me to have context words of praises, pictures of puppies (again with the puppy??) )

viggo-lee avatar Nov 21 '23 09:11 viggo-lee