gitflow4idea-plus copied to clipboard
Could not determine git flow version
I'm submitting a ...
- [x] bug report
- [ ] feature request
- [ ] puppy => You're not submitting a puppy. I already have one and he's adorable
What is the current behavior?
After starting Goland Idea, the Git-flow plug-in prompts Could not determine Git flow version
The specific mistake was:
Could not determine git flow version
com.intellij.openapi.vcs.VcsException: git: 'flow' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.
The most similar commands are
at git4idea.commands.GitCommandResult.throwOnError(
at git4idea.commands.GitCommandResult.getOutputOrThrow(
at gitflow.GitflowVersionTester.init(
at gitflow.ui.GitflowWidget$
at java.base/
- Is this a bug? Sorry about that. If so give me explicit details how to reproduce:
- Open IntelliJ
- ???
- Profit
- What is the expected behavior?
The Git Flow plug-in is working correctly
What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior?
Please tell me about your environment:
Gitflow4idea version: 0.7.10
Gitflow version: run in terminal
>1.12.3 (AVH Edition)
IntelliJ Help -> about > click copy icon and paste here. Should look like this:
GoLand 2022.2.2 Build #GO-222.3739.57, built on August 17, 2022 Runtime version: 17.0.3+7-b469.37 x86_64 VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o. macOS 12.0.1 GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation Memory: 2048M Cores: 8 Metal Rendering is ON
Other information (e.g. detailed explanation, stacktrace, related issues, suggestions how to fix, links for me to have context words of praises, pictures of puppies (again with the puppy??) ) *
Hi, I had the exactly the same issue after setting up a new Ubuntu VM for my development environment. Seems I forgot to install git-flow.
apt install git-glow.
My Environment is now as follows:
Gitflow4idea version: 0.7.11
Gitflow version: run in terminal 1.12.3-3
PyCharm as follows: PyCharm 2022.2.3 (Professional Edition) Build #PY-222.4345.23, built on October 11, 2022 Runtime version: amd64 VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o. Linux 5.15.0-1022-azure GC: G1 Young Generation, G1 Old Generation Memory: 1762M Cores: 4 Registry:
Non-Bundled Plugins: net.seesharpsoft.intellij.plugins.csv (2.21.0) XPathView (222.4345.14) IdeaVIM (1.11.1) (1.162.0) Gitflow-Fix (0.7.11) ru.meanmail.plugin.requirements (2022.4) net.firebits.odoo (1.2.1) dev.ngocta.pycharm-odoo (2022.6.1) com.koxudaxi.pydantic (0.3.14)
Current Desktop: ubuntu:GNOME
Issue seems to be resolved.