
Results 206 issues of @RubenKelevra

I'm using tabs in my project. Pyment fails to recognize this and will use spaces instead. ![pyment messes up tabs](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/614929/155610270-dad51dd8-768c-46a0-ba70-ea4cd3bbaa74.png)

I've run Pyment with `pyment --ignore-private False --write --output numpydoc .`. While it worked in some areas, it also deleted some of my already existing "stub docstrings": ![pyment removes stub-docstrings](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/614929/155609812-d9aae23e-ef3b-4b18-8cdb-13c0baceb5c8.png)

### Checklist - [X] My issue is specific & actionable. - [X] I am not suggesting a protocol enhancement. - [X] I have searched on the [issue tracker](https://github.com/ipfs/go-ipfs/issues?q=is%3Aissue) for my...


running --set-upstream on a random repo is causing a sigsegv. Like #23 but in my case under Arch Linux. ``` $ git push --set-upstream ipld:// master 2021/01/25 11:51:11 Replaying from...

help wanted

cake.cake_ renders the drops, overlimits and requeues as well as the backlog ![cake_wlp3s0-day](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/614929/45333880-8f51b600-b578-11e8-8d27-8bb3e63ea0ec.png) cake.cake_tin_ renders the packets sent in each tin ![cake_tin_wlp3s0-day](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/614929/45333871-8234c700-b578-11e8-92bf-7b99116bb5c5.png) _This plugin can handle diffserv3, diffserv4 and diffserv8......


Hey guys, just read the weekly newsletter, awesome project! I wrote down some ideas how a WebOfTrust could help in personal usage of IPFS by adding nodes as "friends" and...


### What happens? There are currently packaging issues with the [bottles](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/bottles) main package. The version number shows "2022.6.14-9" at the time of writing, but if you look at the sources,...


Would be kind of cool to have the report as exploreable dynamic dashboard listing the elements which have issues :)

help wanted

I've talked a while ago about this on the pacman dev mailing list - but it was kind of rejected. https://lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/pacman-dev/2020-April/024179.html This would still require the databases to be centralized...

help wanted