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( ECCV2018 ) Macro-Micro Adversarial Network for Human Parsing

Results 7 MMAN issues
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You say "We concatenated the respect label map with RGB image of corresponding size along class channel as a strong condition to discriminators." But I really don't understand why you...

Hello, I find there is no model.eval() set or model.train() set in evaluation or training procedure. Is it a bug? Best. Where is the param 'hook' there? Seems that the function 'define_G' needs a param 'hook'

HI ,can you tell me where is the plug-and-play module attention(attention to scale) in your model?

hi, I want to use your pretrained model to generate the predicted images from market1501? How should I do?what's the command code?

Hi, @RoyalVane , thanks for your excellent contribution! I am confused about the baseline experiments, could you tell me the parameters(batch size, lr, optimizer, etc) you used when training deeplab-aspp...