In LibreOffice 7.3 my version of the extension stopped working. I need to look into it when I have time. Not sure if the official Zotero LibreOffice plugin has the...
Rizal and I are contributors to LibreOffice. He is responsible for maintaining multiple icon themes. The Notebook UI is stable and available for any user to select it. I can...
I am offering you a commit to fix this. You won't have to do anything but click "Accept".
I am seeing how to best open a bug requesting this. I'll paste it here afterwards. I would welcome if you would give your feedback there as well? I didn't...
I'm not optimistic that any dev that works on LibO will pick it up, since they show almost no interest in UI/UX. But with a bug report at least the...
I created that .css theme. I optimized it as much as I could for Windows, but since I don't have a Mac there's nothing I can do on that front.... Try this.
Is there any update on this translation for Zotero devs?