obsidian-api-request icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
obsidian-api-request copied to clipboard

Obsidian plugin that allows you to make requests to API's and receive responses in codeblocks or store them in localStorage.

APIR - Api Request

Obsidian plugin that allows you to make requests to APIs and receive responses in the format of a JSON block or an Obsidian variable.


We now support JSON, TEXT and MARKDOWN responses

GitHub release (latest SemVer) Obsidian plugin release



The plugin can be installed from within Obsidian or manually.

Obsidian Community Plugin Browser (Recommended)

  • Go to Settings -> Community plugins
  • Make sure Restricted mode is off
  • Click Browse
  • Search for APIRequest
  • Click Install and then Enable


There are two ways to use the plugin:

With Markdown Block (Easier)

To use the plugin, create a code block with the language set to req. Inside the code block, you can specify things like the URL, request method, request data, header data, and the response data you want to display.

Key Description Default
url The URL to send the request to
method Request method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) GET
body Data to send with the request. Data should by in JSON format
header Header(s) for the request. Data should by in JSON format
show Response data to display. You can use a right arrow -> to access nested objects ALL
format Format in which the response should be displayed {}
response-type The type of response we are getting (json, txt or md) json

The plugin will automatically replace the code block with the response from the API. Here are a quick examples:

If you want to show data from nested objects, you can do that by using a right arrow ->. For example, if you want to show the last from the chess_daily object, you can do that like this:

url: https://api.chess.com/pub/player/hikaru/stats
show: chess_daily -> last

You can show the entire response by only specifying the url:

url: https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1

You can specify the response type you are getting:

url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Rooyca/Rooyca/main/README.md
response-type: md

You can also specify the request method, request data, header data, and the response format:

url: https://my-json-server.typicode.com/typicode/demo/comments
format: Here: <h1>{}</h1> is the ID
method: post
body: {"id":1}
header: {"Accept": "application/json"}
show: id

In the example above, the response will be displayed in a h1 tag.

With Configuration

To use the plugin, press Ctrl+P and search for "APIR". The plugin will present you with two options:

  1. Show response in modal
  2. Paste response in current document (at current line)

Select the option that suits your needs. Additionally, you can configure the plugin to output the response in either JSON block format or as an Obsidian variable. This option can be accessed through the plugin's settings.


The plugin has a few settings that you can configure:

  • URL: The URL to send the request to.
  • Output format: Choose between JSON block or Obsidian variable.
  • Request Method: Choose between GET, POST, PUT & DELETE.
  • Request Data: The data to send with the request. Data should by in JSON format.
  • Header Data: The header data to send with the request. Data should by in JSON format. ({"Content-Type": "application/json", "Authorization": "Bearer TOKEN"})
  • Response Data: The response data to display. If empty all data will be display. You can use a right arrow -> to access nested objects. For example, if you want to show the title from the user object, you can do that like this: user -> title.


  • [x] Add more request types (POST, PUT, DELETE)
  • [x] Add support for authentication
  • [x] Add customizability for modal output (e.g. show only specific fields, change color scheme, add custom CSS)
  • [x] Add customizability for variable output (e.g. show only specific fields, change variable name)

Feedback and Contributions

If you encounter any issues or have feedback on the plugin, feel free to open an issue on the GitHub repository. Contributions are also welcome!