react-native-blob-util icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-native-blob-util copied to clipboard

A project committed to making file access and data transfer easier, efficient for React Native developers.

Results 90 react-native-blob-util issues
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Currently, I'm detecting if the request failed with the following condition. ```ts try { await fetch(/* ... */) } catch(error) { if (error instanceof TypeError && error.message === "Network request...

Hi, I am trying to convert an image url prefixed with https:// into base64 string using the **react-native-blob-util**, however I got this error after installing and also doing a pod...

I am trying to write stream using the following code below let {dirs} = ReactNativeBlobUtil.fs; const dirToSave = Platform.OS == 'ios' ? dirs.DocumentDir : dirs.DownloadDir; let PATH_TO_FILE = dirs.DownloadDir +...

In react native 0.70.x app, the following code is used to upload a jpg image to OSS storage with a pre signed URL: ``` import ReactNativeBlobUtil from 'react-native-blob-util'; //dependency. v0.19.2...

In my react native 0.70.x app with react-native-blob-util 0.17.3, an image is saved to the cache after downloading over the internet, and was deleted as needed. However after performing `unlink`,...


Hello! When I try to write a file from base64, I get an error ` [Error: File '/Users/.../Data/Application/560E644D-B059-4CE5-A128-EF68EEFD7D6D/Library/Caches/1688703508435.pdf' could not be written; error: (null)]` iOS 16.4 "react": "18.2.0", "react-native": "0.71.8",...

npx react-native run-windows MSBuild version 17.8.5+b5265ef37 for .NET Framework Build started 1/19/2024 10:18:11 AM. Project "C:\All\Project\Applications\Luffy\windows\Luffy.sln" on node 1 (Restore target(s)). ValidateSolutionConfiguration: Building solution configuration "Debug|x64". _GetAllRestoreProjectPathItems: Determining projects to...

Hello, Thank you for maintaining the package. We were using `ReactNativeBlobUtil.fs.dirs.DownloadDir` but we figured out that it's no longer point to the `Download` directory in the external storage like `/storage/emulated/0/Download`...

Hi, I've created an [issue related to the use of DownloadManager](, so because of that I'm trying to not use the DownloadManager. It's working almost properly: Download is ok, cancel...

I'm making an application using expo, and it's showing this error: **`TypeError: Cannot read property 'getConstants' of null`** I am using the version "react-native-blob-util": "^0.19.2", i tried running the application...