@Tantacrul @LoveJessyChen I can't reproduce this on my macOS. All the Ozone 10/RX 10 plugins work fine and don't cause any crashes/errors on my computer. I need more info on...
@jacopogrecodalceo could you please send me the app logs? On my macOS, they are here: /Users/work/Library/Application Support/MuseScore/MuseScore4/logs Thank you!
I am working on rewriting how MuseScore scans VST plugins. Starting from version 4.1, the application will run a separate process for each plugin the first time it is scanned....
@joshuaboniface @dxing97 @akberg @RrOoSsSsOo hello! Could someone please try this fix (please note that the default autosave interval has been increased: 3 min -> 5 min)? Is it better? Thanks!...
Closing, no response. Autosave should be less annoying now
@MarcSabatella please rebase it
Duplicate of
fixed in
@asattely @mike-spa I ported our profiler to MU3, so you can use my branch to measure performance in MU3. See:
For those who want to try this fix: unfortunately, you need MuseSampler 0.6, which has not been released publicly yet. But it will be released alongside MuseScore 4.3