Jérôme W.

Results 148 comments of Jérôme W.

Stacking doesn't seem to work well with multiple yaxis. That is a limitation of the library I use. not much I can do about it unfortunately.

What do you mean by doesn't work? You need to be a bit more explicit :)

Thanks for opening this issue. Unfortunately, this is how the library I use (ApexCharts) works. There's nothing I can do, sorry.

There's no way to do that with the library I use unfortunately.

There is unfortunately no support for that in ApexCharts

Unfortunately, there's nothing I can do. This is a bug in the library I use.

Sound like an issue on ApexCharts, not much I can do unfortunately.

Unfortunately, this is how the library I use (ApexCharts) works and it seems to be a bug. There's nothing I can do. However, you could try to set the second...

It's probably related to being in relative vs absolute positioning somewhere in your macros

The thing is that the PR doesn't fix all the long moves (eg.: the unload ones). I'll put that in the python code directly it's more clean.